41. Time for what?

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“I think something is going on with her.” Samiah said to Becca, after ending the call from Ruqqoyah, who informed them she won't be present at their gathering. After cancelling their scheduled meeting last Sunday, they agreed to meet at the restaurant the following Sunday, only for Ruqqoyah to informed them of her absence after the duo have already been waiting for her.

“You think so?” Becca asked, shoveling a spoon of pasta into her mouth.

“Don't you think?” Samiah replied Becca's question with a question and Becca nodded in affirmative.

“She's being avoiding us since these days. I mean why is she doing that?” Samiah questioned worriedly.

“Maybe she's pregnant?" Becca stated questioningly. “That has to be it." She added.

Samiah shook her head at friend, disagreeing. “How could you even come up with that? Does pregnancy stop one from going out?"

“Maybe she's avoiding stress?" Becca said.

“That could be it, but I don't think so. Something is going on." Samiah said.

“Stop overthinking, if something is going on and she wants us to know, she will inform us." Becca stated.

Samiah sighed. “Sure she will, I'm just worried, that's all."

“Stop over worrying then, it ain't good for your health."

“Thank you doctor bakery." Samiah said calling her friend by the funny nickname she has for her.

Becca threw a piece of pasta at her friend. “Told you to stop calling me that." She feigned anger.

“Is that all you could do?" Samiah asked picking the piece of pasta that had stuck to her veil.

“Yes that's all, I'm not gonna waste my food on you." Becca said and Samiah smiled.

“You are such a foodie now, will take a lot of effort to get back in shape when you give birth." Samiah taunted her friend.

“I don't even want to think about it." Becca sighed.

“Don't worry too much, I volunteered to be your personal gym instructor." Samiah said placing her hand on her chest.

“Of course, when you will probably be heavy by then." Becca scoffed.

“I don't want to think about it too." Samiah said and the duo laughed.


“Do you think is proper for them to get married?" Ghoneeyah, Ilyas mother, questioned her husband, worriedly.

“What's improper in that?" Hussain queried.

“I mean in laws marrying in laws, it's kind of weird." She stated.

"There is nothing weird in that, if they both feel for each other let them married each other." Hussain explained.

“But what will people say? You know people are always looking for something to talk about."

"Women!" Hussain exclaimed. "You women are the ones always worrying about what will people say because you are the people." He stated.

"So men don't worry about what will people say abi?" Ghoneeyah questioned.

"Who has the time for that?" Hussain asked rhetorically. "If I feel something is right, I will go ahead with it, it's my life and not people's life." He added.

"Ok o, I'm just worried for them." Ghoneeyah said.

"Is it Islamically wrong?" He asked.

"No." She replied.

"Is it morally wrong?" He asked again.

"No." She replied.

"Then stop worrying." He stated. She sighed.


"When do you think we should go?" Sekinah, Ruqqoyah's mother, questioned her husband with excitement evident in her voice.

"When do you think Khalid?" Bashir directed the question back to his son.

After getting feedback from Ilyas some days ago, informing him that Yasmin has agreed to marry him, Khalid couldn't contained his excitement and could barely wait for some days to passed before sharing the information with his parents. Giving his parents the news about his intention to marry Yasmin, and that the girl in question has reciprocate his feeling, both his father and mother too couldn't hide their joy to the news that their eldest child is getting married soon.

"I think we should wait for some time." Khalid answered his father and his mother gave him a your father won't agree look.

"Some time to do what if I may ask?" Hussain queried his son.

"Just to get more familiar with her." Khalid replied.

"Familiar in what sense?" Hussain asked again.

"Just know her more, to know more about her." Khalid said.

"Hmm, I see," Hussain paused before continuing. "What's her name?" He asked.

Khalid looked at his father wondering what might have came over him. "Her name is Yasmin." He answered.

"How old is she?" Hussain asked.

"Twenty four." Khalid replied.

Hussain nodded his head. "What's her course of study?"

Khalid sighed before answering. "Urban and Regional planning."

Hussain crossed his leg over each other, then lean his back on the backrest of the cushion. "Do you per chance know her favourite food?"

"Yes, it's Amala and Egusi." Khalid replied.

Sekinah laughed and earned herself a what's funny glare from her husband. "Now tell me, what else do you want to know about her, that you need time for?"

"Dad there's still..." Hussain stood up stopping his son mid sentence. "Three months, you are getting married in three months time." He finalized. "Time for Asr." He said before exiting the living room.

Khalid looked at his mother as if to say help me but her mother just raised his hand, indicating there's nothing she can do about the matter. "Time for Asr." She said and made her way out of the living room, leaving behind a frustrated Khalid.

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