22. Cloud Nine.

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Eid Mubarak in arrears, may we witness more of it by Allah's grace.

Don't forget Shitta Shawwal, the reward is great. May Allah accept it as an act of Ibadah(Ameen.)

NB: The place mentioned in this chapter is totally fictional; author's imagination.
Resemblance to any other place is coincidence. (Lol😂)


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"I told you that you will be more than happy." Ilyas said grinning from ear to ear.

"Of course I'm more than happy, I'm feeling everything that comes with happiness." Ruqqoyah replied staring in awe at the sight before her.

Ilyas had taken her to 'Cloud Nine' one of the most beautiful, famous and high class resorts in the country located in the western part of the country.

Cloud Nine was a well known resort for honeymoon and beacation located in Ogun state, Nigeria. It consists of different hotel suites that come in different package. There are pools, restaurants, game centers, recreational centers and different luxuries for the comfort of the patronisers. It oversees a beach giving it a serene and tranquil atmosphere.

Reservations were made months before one could get a desired suite and that's exactly what Ilyas did.

"Like when did you made the reservation?" Ruqqoyah questioned still dazed.

"A month to our wedding."


"Yap, seriously."

"You are the best boo ever."

"Shall we go in now?" He asked stepping out of the car.

"What will happen to the car?"

"The valet will happen to it." He threw the key to a valet standing nearby and moved to the other side of the car to open the car door for her.

"Awwn thanks sweet." She cooed and blew him a kiss.

"What's with girls and mewing at every little things?" He questioned rhetorically and earned an eye roll in return.

"Shall we?" He held his arm out for her?

"What about our luggage?"

"The hoteliers will bring it." He answered.

"Then yes, we shall." She said and hooked her arm to his as they trotted to their room.

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"This is beauutttiful" Ruqqoyah said standing by the window which have a clear view of the beach.

"I know right? Wait till sunset." Ilyas replied standing behind her, unbuttoning his shirt.

"I was going to complain about how the three hours something of sitting set my butts on fire, but the result is worth it." Ruqqoyah said.

"As if my own butts were on ice, even my hands were on fire." Ilyas complained with a pout.

"Did you sit with your hands?"

"No o, I sat with my head ni, I mean my hands ache from driving, you even get to take a nap." He said with puppy eyes.

"Okay, sorry drama king."

A knock on the door interrupted them and a frown grazed Ilyas face.

Recognising the look on his face, Ruqqoyah giggled. "Come on, it ain't ummu or sister Yasmin."

"But why do we always get interrupted?" He questioned.

She shrugged in reply. "I will go check." She attempt to leave but was stopped by Ilyas.

"No, lemme." He said and return later with their luggage.

"Do you think we should unpack now?"

She yawned. "I think I will just crash." She said moving over to the bed.

"Won't you take a shower first?" Ilyas asked.

"I will do that later."

"You reek."

"I know, but sleep first."

Ilyas shook his head at her before be moved to the ensuite to take a shower.

As he was scrubbing himself in the bathroom, his mind drifted to how everything started, from the cereal incident to his talk to her brother, their first outing at Imperial Kitchen, the day their nikkah was fixed, their wedding day and now at Cloud Nine.

He could only thank God for making his dad forgot his pen and making Ruqqoyah's dad borrowed him a pen that day at the bank where everything started.

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Apology for the short chapter🙏🙏
Can you find it in your heart to forgive your girl?😖

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