3. Ellen III

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The inside of the car smelled leathery with a faint hint of cologne. Zach was sitting in the front, along with the driver, while Macy and I had occupied the back seats.

The driver was dressed in a formal black suit and was a tall guy with lots of muscles. From my judgement, he might have been Macy's bodyguard as well.

Everything about her was so classy that it almost felt like I had imagined the perfect partner for me. Was this even real? Was she real? What it in fact was, I couldn't say. It all felt like a different world, perhaps a reverie.

"Are you okay?" Macy's warm touch brought me back to reality. "Is something wrong?"

She held a look of concern in her eyes. I dared to stare directly into them. "No." Her amber irises slightly flickered, she withdrew her hand from my shoulder and then looked away.

I did not understand what I did to make her react like that. What untold story did my eyes tell her? Even I did not know that.

"What happened?" Zach turned back with a questioning look.

"Nothing." I replied, without any hint of fear in my voice.

After some time, I became adjusted to the silence. I was, in fact, happy that the silence existed for I could hear Macy's soft breathing. It was music to my ears and soothing in every way to my heart.

She sometimes took a big gulp of air and sometimes sighed heavily. I so wished I could read her mind. I would have loved to know what she was thinking about.

I did not want to just steal glances at her or catch her reflection in the window glasses. I wanted to stare at her face, unapologetically.

She slowly leaned back in her seat and placed her head on the headrest and sighed heavily. She looked at her wrist watch and a faint grin spread across her lips.

In the most delicate voice, she whispered, "It's my birthday." She looked towards me, piercing me with the most intense gaze. There was an expression of sadness on her face. I could tell.

I put on a charming smile and said, "Happy Birthday, Macy."

She smiled back. A happy smile. "Why, Thank you, Ellen." My name, for the second time, felt at home on her tongue.

After about 10 minutes, the car came at a halt and my time with Macy had come to an end.

As we got down the car, Zach and I both thanked her.

"It was my pleasure. I hope we meet again." Macy looked at me. Her eyes had a twinkle in them which could be seen even in the faint street lights.

"Soon." I replied as I took a long, hard look into the windows of her soul, trying to decipher whatever I could. My lips curled up at the corners without my conscious effort.

As the black vehicle disappeared into the night, all that Macy left back was her smell.

That is what I had to settle for now.


Author's Note

Author's Note

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