13. Macy IV

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"Hello, sister," Lilly greeted me as she got inside the car. Her tone was polite, almost too formal.

She was wearing a black dress that had little flowers printed on it, almost everywhere. Her black curls rested over her breasts, framing her square face. A white jacket was draped around her right arm while she held a black leather bag in her left hand. She was too well dressed for our meeting.

"Hello, Lilly." I nodded. "You look good."

I had received her phone call in the afternoon. In an apologetic voice, she had explained that we couldn't meet at her house since she was working overtime in her office. It was she who suggested to meet at the diner "Oliver's", only because it was close to her office building.

I was reluctant at first because Ellen worked there but after texting Ellen if she had a night shift at the diner today, and getting 'no' as a reply, I had happily agreed.

I was supposed to pick Lilly up from her office in my car, and then we would go to the diner together. It was there where we would have to talk. I was dreading this meeting with the core of my being because I knew something was terribly wrong.

The drive from Lilly's office to the diner was about fifteen minutes. We both sat in silence the entire time. It was uncomfortable and it heightened my anticipation by the minute. I was too worried to ask her why she wanted to meet me. Yet, every time I tried to bring it up, I couldn't utter a word.

The silence was too strong to be broken.

Victor parked right in front of the diner. Lilly got down from the car, leaving her purse and jacket behind. She waited for me as I joined her outside the car. It looked packed from where we were standing. The sign "OPEN" was hanging just above the glass door and it glowed a bright, neon orange.

Before Victor could take the car to a nearby parking lot, I turned to face Lilly and said, "You go in. I'll join you in a while." She nodded, flashed a smile at me and walked towards the diner's entrance.

I had wanted to talk to Victor since the whole engagement ring incident that happened in the morning. But, the same feeling of shyness had overcome me and I could not say anything to him as well. The entire ride felt painful with the tension laying thick in the air.

I walked towards the driver's side of the car. Victor was wearing his usual uniform, a black suit over a white shirt, a pair of black pants, and a long tie as an accessory. His eyes were fixed on the road ahead. He behaved like a robot sometimes; too mechanical.

"Victor," my soft voice made him turn his vacant gaze towards me. "I don't know how to say this to you but thank you for not saying anything to my sister about the ring." My voice became almost a whisper at the end of that sentence.

Victor's lips turned up at the corners. He cleared his throat and said, "Don't thank me, Ma'am. It's your personal life. Nobody has the right to intrude in it." He took a short pause and continued, his tone filled with a hint of sadness, "Not even Jordan Sir."

I stared at his face with astonishment. Before driving away into the dark night, he whispered, "You look happier when you're with that girl." His words made me blush too hard.

As I entered the diner, a wave of warm air hit me. It was surely colder outside. The diner was filled with too many people and I was thankful for it. Nobody would take notice of Lilly and I in such a busy night.

My eyes scanned all the unfamiliar faces, before they landed on the one I was looking for. I slowly approached the bar where Lilly was sitting. She was staring at me with a smile plastered on her face. In front of her, stood a tall, hunky guy with a head full of blond hair. By judging her posture, anybody could say she was on full flirt mode.

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