8. Zach II

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El had left for work in the morning, leaving me alone in the house. This was usually how it went. At the diner, El worked the morning shifts and I worked the night shifts. But sometimes El would work night shifts as well in order to get some extra cash.

I was in the kitchen, making lunch. The old recipe book of my mother was open on the white kitchen counter. My mother had collected all her favourite recipes in this little diary and delicately handwritten it all down. I was making pumpkin soup today. It was El's favourite dish. She would return in the afternoon, with a growling stomach and this would definitely bring a smile on her beautiful face.

I took out my phone from my pajama's pocket and frantically typed a message.

"im making ur fav pumpkin soup for lunch today. come back soon 😘"

I pressed send and the reply came just as fast.

"Thaaaaanks. You're the best😍 can't wait." A toothy grin hovered over my face.

When El had hugged me this morning before leaving for the diner, her touch had made me feel things that I had always tried to suppress. Her skin was cold, but smooth and her touch was soft. And her perfume...

She smelled amazing today!

I shook my head violently at the thought that crossed my mind. I paused, contemplating with myself for a while. I turned the gas stove off reluctantly and headed towards the living room. My legs stopped only when I arrived in front of her bedroom door.

Should I? It must be closed...

My fingers grasped the doorknob a bit too tightly and in no time I found myself turning it. There was a light click and the door budged open.

As I went inside with slow steady steps, my eyes adjusted to the darkness. Streaks of sunlight entered the room and fell on her bed through the gaps in between the curtains. There was a whiff of her smell lingering onto every corner of the room. It engulfed me, quite like a warm hug.

Her room was squeaky clean and everything was organized in it's proper place. Her bed was made and some of her framed paintings were hanging on the wall. Her desk was the only thing that looked out of place. It was littered with many papers and a number of drawing pencils. The dustbin that stood near the desk was also almost full with crumpled pieces of papers. She was working on something, it seemed.

My eyes moved to the other end of the room. Her clothes were hanging on one of the ropes. I slowly approached her hanging olive green T-shirt and touched the soft, stretchy fabric.

I pulled the cloth down and brought it near my nose. It smelled of sweat and cologne. Her sweat. Her cologne. My body shivered at this thought. I inserted my head inside the T-shirt, closed my eyes and took a long breath. I could feel the heat rising in my body. My heart was racing and with every second that passed, I could hear the beat of my heart, louder than before.

I was hard and that is when I fully realized where I was and what I was doing. I opened my eyes very fast and pulled off El's T-shirt. I hung it on the rope, just as it was before and left her room, locking the door behind me.

I sat down on the sofa in the living room, my head resting on my hands. My body was shaking. My mind was numb. I could not believe what I had just done.

"You're a creep." My inner voice sounded disgusted with my recent actions. I bit my lip and swallowed the lump in my throat. This had gone too far. I had to control myself. But how?

I needed a distraction.

My eyes lit up at the sudden thought that crossed my mind. The plan was perfect -- the age old solution to all of my problems.

"I need to get laid." I said out loud.


Author's Note

Thanks to all the people who have read/voted/commented so far. I love you guys!

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