15. Jordan III

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When Macy returned home last night, I was shocked to see her condition. Her face was pale, as if she had seen a ghost. Her amber eyes wandered about everywhere and her stare was vacant; lifeless. She looked like she wasn't herself.

I had asked her, too many times, what was wrong. And every time she would stare at me with those lost eyes, and nod her head slightly. After some time, she would mumble a soft 'hmm'.

Not getting a proper reply from Macy, I had called Victor. But all he said was that she had gone to meet Lilly at 'Oliver's' diner and after a while, she had hurriedly called him to take her away from there. So, he had assumed that both of them must have had a quarrel.

Listening to that, I was sure that Lilly had all the answers to my questions. It was evident that they had had a talk about our engagement and something was terribly wrong. But every time I called her, her number was switched off. So, I knew I had to wait for today morning. There was nothing else to be done.

I was lying in my bed after just waking up from the shortest sleep. I got up and walked up to the bedside table to pick up my phone. I hurriedly opened up the contact list and gave Lilly's number a ring.

The number you're trying to call is currently switched off.

"Not again." I grunted out loud. Why was she being so irresponsible? Lilly wouldn't be able to help me now. It was all in Macy's hands.

I walked out of my room and took slow steps towards the staircase. I climbed down the stairs and made my way to the guest room, where Macy was sleeping last night.

I passed the kitchen on my way and Maria flashed a toothy grin at me whilst prepping for breakfast. "Take this coffee, Jordan." Maria called after me. "It will help calm Macy's nerves down."

Taking the steaming cup from her hands, I flashed a relieved look at her and said, "Thank you." It was Maria who had made Macy eat yesterday night. I had tried my best but Macy refused to even taste the food. But then, Maria came to the rescue and took the matters in her own hands and in no time, Macy had finished her entire plate of dinner. It made Maria and I satisfied, knowing that Macy had not gone to bed with an empty stomach.

On reaching Macy's room, I stood outside the wooden door and took in a deep breath. We had slept on separate beds, in different rooms, last night. I thought it was best to let her be by herself. I wanted to give her some privacy.

I raised my right hand, lightly tapped on the door, and called out, "Macy?" There was no reply. I knocked a bit harder this time, "Are you awake? We need to talk."

After a moment of pause, she replied. "Come in. The door is open." Her voice was hoarse and faint. On entering, I was hit with a cold wave of air. The sort of cold that makes you want to hide in your closet, the sort of cold that is always accompanied by despair. The only source of light in the room was the streaks of sunlight that came in through the drawn curtains and this heightened the gloomy vibe of the place.

I found Macy sitting on the bed. The white satin sheets were wrapped around her whole body, just like a shawl. She stared vacantly at a spot on the bed as her hands clutched her mobile tightly. Her long hair was tied in a messy bun with strands of them poking out of everywhere. The bags under her bloodshot eyes gave away that she hadn't slept last night.

I approached her with light steps and made myself sit on the side of the bed. The movement of the bed seemed to bring Macy back from her thoughts as she slowly laid her eyes on my face. The amber had lost its radiance.

"I brought you some hot coffee." I handed her the mug and she gladly took a sip of the beverage.

"Thank you." She smiled.

We both nodded and an unsaid understanding formed between us. In the next few minutes, Macy finished her coffee as I kept my gaze fixed on the floor, occasionally glancing at Macy to check if she was done. As she kept her empty mug on the bedside table,  I decided it was time to break the silence. Clearing my throat, I began, "So, what happened last night?"

The question made her sit straight up. Her relaxed body language had changed into an alarmed stance. She looked almost everywhere, her amber irises looking like little fireflies. It was as if she was trying to make up an answer just by collecting the suitable words from all the objects on which her eyes laid. I could not see her like this.

"You don't have to answer right away. Take all the time you need. I'm not going anywhere." I tried to keep my voice as calm and stable as possible.

She looked at me and blinked twice, before sighing heavily. Then, she shook her head violently and spoke up.

"No, Jordan. I've already taken the time that I needed. It needs to be done now." Her voice was valiant, filled with a new found courage and confidence.

"What needs to be done?"

"I'm so sorry, Jordan." A touch of sadness could be visible on her face now.

What are you trying to tell me, Macy?

"Sorry for what? I don't understand."

She lowered her gaze to her hands, which were now tightly interlocked. As she uttered the next few words, her voice was barely audible, yet the effect that they had on my heart was too much to bear.

"Jordan, I'm calling off this wedding."


Author's Note

Author's Note

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