18. Zach IV

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The warm yellow glow from the streetlights fell on the wild grass which had been growing unchecked for a couple of weeks. It reflected off the drops of dew that had collected on their blades, making them shine like little crystals. I was sitting on one of the benches in the park and my gaze laid unfocused at this site.

My mind kept playing the events from tonight over and over again. My phase of anger was over and now I was left with this sensation of emptiness.

Even after trying my hardest, I had miserably failed. El had contacted Macy herself and by now they must had solved every misunderstanding.

Why did I ever think it was possible for me to stop El? I wasn't going to achieve anything from doing so. She liked girls. End of story. It was time for me to move on. Why was I making it so hard for myself?

I was such an idiot!

In stead of helping her through these times, I kept trying to sabotage their relationship. El had always been so nervous about herself and her identity. I still remember how hard it was for her at high school. She was the only out lesbian and teenagers could be really mean if they wanted to. Just this once she tried to approach a girl on her own and I tried to ruin everything.

I made a loud grunt and hit my thigh really hard, out of frustration, with my tightly closed fist.

No, I could not let this go on.

No more of this bullshit. I should play the role of the friend that El needed right now, not some weirdo who tried to get into her pants.

I knew what I had to do. It would be difficult to find another apartment in such short notice, but I would manage. It was the best decision, actually. I needed to spend some time on my own, away from El, so that I could completely get over whatever feelings I had for her. And staying with her, seeing her date other people in front of my own eyes - I didn't think I could bear that right now.

I rubbed my palms across my face and let out a heavy sigh. I lifted my head to look at the heavens one last time before going back home.

The sky was the darkest shade of blue I had ever seen. The stars could not be seen anymore as the faintest hint of dawn was fast approaching. The sounds of crickets and various nocturnal beings were slowly being replaced by the distant calls of the early birds.

A new day was on the horizon and it brought with it a new hope for me. A new opportunity to correct all my mistakes.


I slipped the key in the keyhole and opened the door carefully, trying to make as little noise as possible. If El was back in the apartment, I did not want to wake her up at this hour. I got in swiftly and locked the door behind me.

I tiptoed around the living room but stopped short just as I reached the sofa. El was lying on it sideways, fast asleep, her arms wrapped in front of her chest as her entire body shivered every once in a while.

She must had fallen asleep here while waiting for me. Even after everything I did to her, she was fulfilling the role of a friend more than I could ever manage to achieve.

"Oh, El. Why are you like this?" I whispered as I shook my head, my lips curling up at the corners to form a smile.

I quickly, but quietly, went into my bedroom, retrieved a thick cover from my wardrobe and laid it over El's cold and shivering body.

She snuggled into it, adjusting her position and finally relaxed in the warmth of the fabric.

"I'm sorry, El. I hope I can rectify my mistakes."

I gave her one last look and went into my bedroom, closing the door silently.


Author's Note

Hey everyone!! I know it's been soooo long but I am finally back to finish this project.

I have planned the plot for the rest of the story and I am very excited!

So, stay tuned for all the upcoming new stuff! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thanks for staying around ❤

So, stay tuned for all the upcoming new stuff! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thanks for staying around ❤

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