Chapter 1

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Bucky was stuck between a rock and a hard place. That was how simple his situation really was. He couldn't move, couldn't talk about what was happening to him, and couldn't complain about it. He was at a standstill.

A loud groan left him. He shook his head, exhausted, and leaned back against the wall of the bathroom. His eyes closed instantly once he grew accustomed to the hard feeling.

"This is insane..."

However as he spoke the words, the feeling of the pregnancy test in his left hand made itself known.

He then sighed a heavy sigh. Nevermind.

How and why this was happening to him, he didn't know. All he did know was that he had been experiencing terrible morning sickness for the past month, and his desire for plums had increased tenfold. Oh, and he couldn't forget the fact that, after discussing his concerns with Natasha and taking the advice she gave him, he discovered he was pregnant.

This was far too much for the ex-assassin.

Startling him, a knock sounded against the restroom door. A concerned, "Bucky?" followed quickly after.

The brunette hurriedly shoved the pregnancy test into his pocket then shot up from the floor. He cleared his throat before fixing his clothes and opening the door.


Steve looked at him, shocked and with concern in his baby blue eyes because of the fact that his stoic friend seemed anxious, then opened his mouth to speak.

"You ok, pal? You've been in the restroom for a while now..."

The brunette merely countered his friend's attack with his signature smile and nodded.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

After speaking the words, he brushed past the other quickly. The blonde grabbed his hand before he was out of reach, though, and forced him to stop.

Bucky exhaled a heavy breath softly before turning to face him.

"Yes, Steve...?"

He watched the other struggle to form the right words.

Biting his lip anxiously, the other man fiddled with his shirt. A few agonizingly silent moments ensued before Steve finally figured out how to word what he wanted to say.

"We... need to talk. About last month. At Tony's party."

Bucky watched his friend, calculating his words, and tried not to cut the conversation short and run off. The test that was in his pocket was weighing heavy in his jeans and even heavier on his heart.

"Yeah, let's do that, bud. Just... not right now. I'm busy."

Steve could only nod sadly and force an understanding smile onto his features. He was never one to argue or push his friend. If Bucky would have rather pushed the subject of that night off one more day or hour, he wouldn't complain.

"If that's what you want, Buck.." His smile turned a bit sadder as he gave a gentle squeeze to the rough man's shoulder. Bucky, however, only rushed out a brief, "Thanks." before proceeding to shrug Steve's hand off and walk away.

A heavy sigh left the blonde when the other was gone.


Hearing her name be called and then the slam of her door, Natasha looked up.

Bucky threw the pregnancy test at her--she caught it in the nick of time--and collapsed beside her on her bed.

"Look at it." He sighed out when she looked at him questioningly.

Doing as she was told, she looked down at the test in her hands. Shock, then surprise, then disgust covered her face.


"I know."

"Do you really?"

"Natali--...Natasha, I'm the one who pissed on the damn thing. I think I'd know."

"Then you'd know that you just made me touch a urine-covered pregnancy test."

The redhead rolled her eyes before proceeding to throw the test at Bucky's face. A few moments passed before a disgusted yelp left the man. He quickly ripped the test away from his face.

"Well, I guess I'm not too surprised."

"Really?" Bucky glanced at her as he wiped at his face with his sleeve.

"Yeah. I mean, you were acting exactly like a pregnant woman would. I remember when Clint's wife was pregnant for the first time. She was throwing up all the time. It was kinda funny, actually."

A soft chuckle left Natasha which earned an eye roll from the other.

"So?" She said after a couple of silent moments passed. She looked up at Bucky questioningly. "Who's the baby daddy?"

Bucky sighed heavily, his shoulders shrugging in response to her question.

"I don't know. I don't even remember doing it." A light blush covered his cheeks once the words left his mouth. It was disheartening, having to say the words out loud. He, a womanizer in his golden days, had sex with a man and got pregnant from it. To say the words out loud was admitting that he laid with a man, and bottomed at that.

Natasha sat up and rubbed his back. She had sensed his dejectedness.

"It'll be alright, man. We'll figure this out somehow. I won't let you be a single mother. I'll step in and be the kid's daddy if I have to."

Smirking in a comforting way, Natasha consoled Bucky. A while passed before the brunette was able to grin his signature grin.

"I just have one question. Am I gonna shit the kid out?"

He stared seriously at the redhead for a few moments before bursting into laughter, Natasha following him.

"That's the question?!" The female snickered even louder and was forced to wipe away the tears that were overflowing in her eyes because of laughing so much.

"What?! It's a valid question! I don't want the kid to be covered in shit when it's born! That'd just be cruel, let alone disgusting."

Natasha rolled her eyes after regaining her composure and playfully slapped Bucky's back.

"You just worry about finding the dad. The doctors can deal with...the shit part."

"Alright, alright, fine."

The two conversed for a while more before Bucky decided it was time to leave and do what needed to be done. He gave the female a warm and tight hug before he left.

Once he was out the door, he looked around. The halls of the large building seemed endless, making him feel small, inferior.

He had already been taken and had gotten pregnant from an experience he couldn't even recall, so he was in a pretty fragile state. He felt emasculated, honestly.

He sighed lowly before beginning to walk back to his room. First, he would need to backtrack a month. He needed to pinpoint the exact day the baby was...conceived, and then figure out who he was with. Then, once he knew the culprit, he only had to make the man aware of the growing thing inside him. After that, everything would go smoothly, he hoped. They could both decide if the baby was worth keeping and then go on with their lives.

Yes, that sounded like a great plan to Bucky. 

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