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So, thanks to KiranVang66, I have a new idea!
What? I was running out of ideas!
It is an alternate, so...
Alternate Miku! So, Miku's alternate is Aika, by the way.



1.) So, I was thinking... Why can't Aika replace Chrom, then Ylisstol can have the three princesses? But then... Eh. It wouldn't work out, anyway;
Chrom would have the mark of Grima, and he'd be the vessel... Yeah. But it seems like a nice idea!

2.) Validar is already king, before Chrom becomes the exalt. You know, I don't really want Gangrel- just kidding. So, it's Aversa, (??), and Aika.
Aika lost her memories... Because, you know! Grima tried making her evil, but wiped her memory clean.

3.) After Gangrel's death, Validar becomes king, Aika still had her memories, which makes Aversa, (??) and Aika royals! This makes more time sense, Emm is still alive, so is their father! I like this idea the best. Oh, and, Lucina isn't born.
...not yet anyway.

Comment urgently on which one! I'm having trouble... Like, complete trouble choosing...
Anyway, byeeeeeeeeee!
Btw, (??) is an unknown sibling.

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