The bell test

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Sakura's POV

Time skip

I make food for the boys and seal it in a scroll. Tomatoes, ramen, and onigiri. I don't usually eat except dinner so no breakfast is normal for me but the boys eat breakfast so Kakashi was probably planning something.

I get to the training grounds first and then Sasuke and Naruto come. After explaining my suspicions they agree to eat.

After they eat they start talking to each other about ramen and whatnot while I sit in a tree.  'Gee, it's nice to be wanted.'

There's nothing to do so I drop down, lean on the tree, and since I barely got any sleep last night, start dozing off.

Sasuke's POV

I was talking to Naruto when I notice Hikari was sleeping.  'He looks so cute and innoce- wait, argh! Not again, he's a boy! why am I thinking these thoughts?!'

Anyway, I decide that sleeping's probably a good idea so I sit next to him and start thinking about how he introduced himself last time.  'My name is Sak-Hikari  Ryu' he almost said something that started with a sak. Sakura started with sak but it's a girl name and he said that's what his twin sister is named.

Naruto sits on the other side of Hikari, lays down, and starts sleeping.  Before I can stop it, Hikari is also sleeping and falls on Naruto.

For some reason I felt a wave of jealousy then. I reach out to pick Hikari off of Naruto when I notice he's crying.  He wakes up and sees that he's been sleeping on top of Naruto. His face turned beet red, then Kakashi appeared.  Naruto jumped up and started yelling about how we were waiting for hours while Hikari just sweat dropped.

Kakashi is unfazed and pulls out an orange book.  I recognize the title and figure the new sensei is a pervert. "I've got these bells, the exercise is simple, take a bell, become a genin and get lunch." he explains taking out two bells. "Don't get a bell, no lunch and no graduation."

We all nod and go into hiding. Well, most of us, Naruto is out in the open challenging Kakashi. 'Idiot'

Sakura's POV

I hide in a bush and watch Naruto, while thinking about the bells.  Then it hits me, we were supposed to work together instead of fighting each other.  Otherwise what's the point of being put into teams?

I watch Naruto get defeated and wait till he gets tied to a log before cutting him loose and explaining.  "Sorry Hikari," he says "But if I want to become the next Hokage, then I can't rely on anyone." he said.  Then he ran away.

"Naruto you get your butt back here!"  I shouted after him before coughing up blood. 'crap' I pulled out my pills and water bended the vapor into a ball.  I put the pill in the ball and drank it.

'Let me out, I'll give him pay back'

'No way, demon'

'Technically, I was a dryad named Haruno before I turned demonic.  Want me to tell you that story?'

'I swear, tell me that story one more time and I'll put you into Naruto's head, let's see you deal with his thoughts'

'No need for drastic measures Sakura *nervous chuckle*'

'Now let's just look for duck butt'

'You're right, inner.  Now where can he be?'

I heard a boom from the south. 'that was easy' I thought, washing off the blood and running toward the noise.

When I arrive at the scene, first thing I see is a duck butt head sticking out of the ground and i burst out laughing.

"How's the view down there"


"Let me help" I say and water bend water into the hole with him and start swirling it around.  When the ground finally eroded away I pull a very muddy Uchiha out of the ground and explain the point of this exercise but he doesn't believe me.

"I'm an Uchiha, and Uchihas don't need anyone's help."

Then he runs away too. 'That baka!'

The timer rings and we all meet at the three stumps.

"Turns out only one of you deserves to become genin." Kakashi says crinkling his eye.  "I'll only train you, Hikari.  You guys just go and quit being a ninja."

"What?!" I shouted in suprise.  "But Naruto and Sasuke have way better and more important dreams than me!"

"Your right, but they aren't ready." he replied.  "Neither of them accepted your help and only you realized the point of the test.  Now Hikari and I will train while you two eat your lunch.  Only Sasuke can eat, don't give any to Naruto."  Then we hid in the bushes to watch them.

Sasuke holds out his lunch and offers some to Naruto  "Eat or you'll just become a set back".  We come out of hiding and I appear in front of them in a swirl of cherry blossom petals while Kakashi sensei appears out of smoke.  "You pass!" we both shout.

Then I remember, I'm supposed to meet my friends under the cherry tree, and I said Hikari was going to be there.  'You're and idiot!' inner says and starts laughing like a maniac. 'And you're creeping me out.  Shut up, I'll say Hikari couldn't make it.'  'you better or the secret is loose.'

"Alright little genin, meet me at the indoor training grounds tomorrow."  as soon as sensei lets us go, I rush home.

Time skip after work

I change out of my maid costume and into my normal clothes (light blue jeans rolled to mid calf, a white T-shirt with a cherry branch full of blossoms running down the right side, a black jacket with rolled up sleeves that end at my elbow, a black baseball cap with a brown rim and cherry blossoms on it, simple black combat boots, and my fingerless gloves to cover my scars and weights).  (AN: The weights look like thin silver bands and weigh 500 lb each to Sakura but others can carry her with ease.  Sakura has one on each wrist and ankle.  The problem is, they're too thin and can't cover her scars)  

When I run out to meet my friends, I make milk shakes, and I'm met with a suprise. 

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