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Going home from a very eventful mission, I could feel the tension slipping from me with every step.  After we got back to Konoha though, Kakashi-sensei felt it was best to keep us in low level missions for the time being.  Tazuna was explained and was investigated.  They let him go, of course, because of his reasoning.

Kakashi-sensei and Iruka-sensei sent all of us to get checked out by Tsunade, who moonlights as a part-time medic with her experience from the kunoichi era.  Both Sasuke and Naruto sustained (thankfully) minor injuries, and were taken home by their parents.  

"Hikari, I would like to discuss your sister," she said, after finishing my check up.

Right, the shadow clone I had left behind to perform work at the café, "What about her?"

"Well, I think it's best to take some time off, she hasn't missed a day of work since we first hired her, and both of you should get some rest.  You're both growing children after all."

"I think it's okay, neither of us are ever able to settle without some thing to keep us busy."

"One more thing," she leaned in and whispered into my ear, "You may want to start binding."

I jerked away, "What?"

"Well, as I said, you are growing, and at this age, your body will start to undergo certain... changes."

"What changes?"  I asked incredulously.  Was this why Aunt Hecate gave me that bra?

She cleared her throat, "For example, your chest will begin to..." she awkwardly gestured to her own chest.

My eyes widened.  That's what the bandages were supposed to be used for?!  I thought they were for actual medical use! "I'm going to be like that?!"

"Ah, yes.  Did you not know?"  she asked.

I shook my head no, "I never really though about it.  I didn't even think people change except for growing bigger."

"Well, I think this does count as growing bigger, right?  As a former field medic, I think I can teach you about the things your parents may not have had the chance to.  For example, puberty is the name for the process in which these changes occur."

"So these changes mean I won't be able to hide anymore?"

"Not exactly.  As I have mentioned before, there are ways to make sure you're not found.  Binding for example, where you restrict your chest so it appears smaller than it is.  I can help you find some, but you have to remember to take them off and let yourself relax sometimes.  Using bindings too much can be dangerous especially when doing physical activity."

"Or I can just use an illusion jutsu."

"Those can fail with just the slightest slip of concentration.  I'll teach you how to deal with medical issues and your changes.  Go home and rest for now, but come back same time tomorrow, 'kay?"


"Are you by any chance sick?  I've noticed it during work, but It appears that your body is slowly destroying itself from the inside out.  Don't think I haven't seen the occasional bloody tissue."

"You said one more thing."

"Please just answer the question.  This may be more important than you realize."

I sighed, "It's a thing I've had forever.  It's not contagious, and I'm fine."

"You're not fine.  You're coughing blood.  Tell me, have you ever seen someone die like that?  Their own body turning against them?  Gradually eating away at them until they just... give out?"


"I've seen it on the field, and your condition or disease could be any one of countless others.  I'm telling you now it's not a good way to go.  The sooner we can identify and heal it the better."

"Have you ever seen such a slow acting one as mine?  I've had this as long as I could remember.  What disease takes over twelve years to become fatal?"

She shook her head, "This is still a serious matter.  Take care of yourself, or at least let me help you."

"I told you, I'm fine."

As I stood up to walk away, she grabbed my arm and whispered, "Don't worry.  I'll keep your secret, Sakura.  Just please stay alive."

I swallowed, hard.

'Remember your dream princess.  You'll be dead soon anyway, so what's the point?' Shannaro reminded me.  Stupid demon.

I looked Tsunade directly in the eyes, "No promises."

Tsunade's POV


Why did I do that?!

Why would I do that?!

Why did I feel like I needed to help the kid?!

WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY?!  I screamed into my hands.  

Of all the stupidest things I could have done, why did I do something that could get me killed.  I already almost died when the Kunoichi era ended, so why would I even think that this would be a good idea?  It's risky just to keep moonlighting like this in the first place, but not teaching the next generation to be a kunoichi?

Oh kami, I may have just sent her to her death too!  If she's found out she could be executed!  This isn't the kind of world where a person could be spared for this sort of offense, even if they are a child!

During the Kunoichi era I used to be an excellent ninja, but those days are over!  Why did I do something so stupid?!

She's obviously in over her head too!  A twelve-year-old leading a double life, working part time, and being a ninja?!  Why would I encourage this?!  I should have either reported her before things got out of hand or at least gotten her to stop!


Sakura's POV

I lay in my dingy old apartment staring up at the ceiling.  Though it was an improvement from six years ago, sometimes I missed the forest and the peace.  But it helps to both keep up appearances and avoid being found living in the woods.  Plus this has an actual toilet, not some hole or gross public restroom.

'Tsunade found out too, huh?'

'You're slipping, princess.'

I sighed and rolled onto my side, 'I know.'

Maybe I'll take her up on her offer.  It wouldn't hurt to learn, and who knows, the information could end up being of value.

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