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Sakura's POV

Sasuke and Naruto were standing next to my friends.  Still holding the drinks, I calmly walked up to them and distributed the milkshakes.  Chocolate for Tenten, vanilla for Hinata, violet (yes, violets are edible) for Ino, and I got strawberry.

Then we got Naruto some ramen and Sasuke got a tomato.  At the ramen stand Naruto started flirting with me while Sasuke was giving him the evil eye.

"Forehead, I distinctly told you to dress nicer than usual and you use your normal clothes?!"  said an indignant Ino.

"Sorry for not being able to afford fancy stuff like you clan heirs"  seriously, they were wearing nicer stuff than usual. Ino had a long mid-shin length light purple dress, Tenten wore a green miniskirt with a brown tank top embroidered with red flowers (AN: Sorry, I have no fashion sense) and Hinata had a light blue short sleeved dress that reached her knee.

"Come on, we're going clothes shopping"  'Oh no'

"NO WAY IN HELL, PIG"  I screamed to Ino.

"Yes way in hell and get used to it"

I tried to get them to stop by shoving my feet into the ground but they just took some organic non-harmful strength enhancing pills and dragged me, making deep ruts in the sidewalk.  The two boys just stared at us in amazement.

"You guys are not human." Naruto concluded

"No, Sakura isn't human.  We have to take pill Hikari showed us how to make and work together to move her" Tenten explained.

"Fine, I won't drag my feet" I said and they relaxed.  As soon as they relaxed, I bolted from them at about half speed.  Unfortunately, they learned to make speed pills and cornered me.  They then carried me high over their head so I could not escape and ran all the way to the clothes store with the boys following us.


I came out of the store wearing a short light pink skirt with flower designs (AN: the skirt is worn at the waist and ends at the mid thigh) and a short sleeved mint green collared shirt.  My friends including Naruto excluding Sasuke glomped me.

"Sakura chan is so cute after shopping dattebayo!"


"W-we also bought a white dress for you to visit your dad's grave with" stuttered Hinata, pulling out a short sleeved white dress that would reach my knee.


"Let's go meet Ino at the cafe" says Tenten

at the cafe

"There you guys are!" said an excited Ino.  "We've been waiting so long for you to get back"

"W-we?" questioned Hinata

"Duh! I also brought along Neji!"

"Seriously!  Bringing Neji here with Hinata around?!  You know how critical he is!"

"Sakura! There you are!  You are so cute!"  Ino screamed while grabbing me in a hug and twirling me around and around.

"HELP!"  I screamed and Sasuke ran towards Ino, grabbed me, and landed on the other side with me over his shoulder.

"Thanks duckbutt, you can put me down now."  Sasuke put me back down as if he just realized I was still there.

"I think I should go home now."  I said realizing I felt something warm rising up my throat. 

'You know what will happen if they find out' said Haruno in a singsong voice.

'I know, I got to get away before I start coughing'

'How will we get away though?'

'I'll just say I need to go home.'

"Um guys, this has been fun an' all but I think I need to go home.  See you tomorrow."

"Bye Sakura" the girls said.

"See ya later, freak" replied Neji.

"What'd you call her girly boy?!" shouted Naruto before fighting Neji.


I ran out into a nearby alley and coughed up the blood I had been holding back.  As I cleaned up using water from my pouch hidden under my skirt, two men grabbed me from behind.

"Say little girl, wanna come with us?"

I wiped my face of any emotion before answering in a monotonous voice.  "I have no interest in you."  Then I flipped behind him, kicked him in the face, and left in a swirl of cherry blossom petals.

I arrived to my clearing near the river and took pills.

'It's getting worse.'

'Why don't you tell your teammates Sakura?'

'I don't want to worry them'

'Yeah, they have enough to worry about without having to babysit you.'

'Tell them Sakura. Noroinitis (AN: I made up a disease caused by curses) is a serious matter.'

'Later, I'll tell them later'

I held out my hand and swirled it over the river.  Hecate taught me a trick a couple years ago since I don't get much support from the gods.  "Hecate" I whispered, and her image appeared in the reflection. 

"Hello Sakura"

"Hi auntie"

"Persephone keeps worrying about you.  She wants to know if you're all right."

"Tell mom to zip it. She had chances my entire life and yet she only appeared to me a year ago."

"Tough day?" I nodded. "I'll come over and help train you and we can talk about it."

She appeared in front of me in a shower of golden light.

"Here, I'll show you how to create fake people to train with.  Repeat after me: Synkentróno ta stoicheía gia na me voithísoun na dimiourgíso énan ápsycho ánthropo"

"All right,   Synkentróno ta stoicheía gia na me voithísoun na dimiourgíso énan ápsycho ánthropo!"  Instantly, a gold holographic sort of person appeared in front of me.

"What do you want me to do?" It asked.

"train with me"

It obeyed and we started fighting.  It was actually pretty good for a fake person.

After we trained, Aunt Hecate said she had to give me some thing.  Pulling a bra and some bandages from behind her back she explained.  "Sakura, you're a growing girl and you have to pretend to be a boy.  I think you should start wearing these."

After she showed me how to wear them, she said goodbye and left.

'Oh well, we should probably rest now.  Kakashi said we have training tomorrow.'

'you're right, inner'

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