Prank war

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Naruto's POV

That duck head!  I'll show him!  I grinned evilly, thinking about what I should do to get him back for that water trick.  I snuck off while no one was looking and went deeper into the forest.  I set up my trap, hid, and started shouting in my best Hikari voice.  "Help!  I'm stuck!  Help!"

A crashing sound came, and I heard someone calling, "Hikari?!"  A girl came, with a pretty face and long hair.  She was carrying a basket full of herbs.  "Hikari, are you there?!  Please answer!"

She looked around anxiously until Hikari came too, dropping silently behind her.  "Haku?!  What are you doing here?!"

The girl rushed to Hikari, gently placing both hands on his cheeks.  "Are you okay?  Nothing hurt?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

The girl relaxed, "Then who's calling?"

"I am!"  I whispered, "Get back here!"

"Naruto, what are you doing?"

"Setting a trap for Emo.  And more importantly, how do you know such a pretty girl?"

"Haku?  He's a boy!"

I paled, oops.  Haku was cackling beside Hikari, "Oh my god, this used to happen all the time with you too!"

Hikari glared, "Maybe you should have listened to me and cut you hair or worn a hood, idiot!"

Then we heard someone else calling Hikari, Sasuke.  "Hikari, are you there?  Kakashi sent me to get you."

"I'm here, and I'm stuck!"  I said.  Hikari glared at me.

Sasuke approached out hiding place and barrage of paintballs was launched at him, painting him with bright splotches of color.  "^&(^%!"

I shot up, "Ahahaha!  Emo isn't very emo anymore!"

"Naruto," said Hikari, still in his hiding place, "You might want to run."

Too late.  Sasuke had taken off after me and tackled me, getting paint all over me too.

Hikari had disappeared, along with Kohaku, leaving only sakura petals and a whisp of smoke.

Sakura's POV

"So, are they always like that, or did something happen?" asked Haku.

I sighed, "They've been like that ever since I met them.  I got stuck on their team, so now this is my life."  I glanced at him, "Don't tell people stuff like that."

He smiled mischievously, "Stuff like what?"

"Like I'm mistaken for the wrong gender!  Idiot."

"Why not?"

I huffed, "Keep doing that and one day I will kill you."

He flicked my forehead, "No you won't you like me too much."

"Hey, is he still looking for me?"  I asked, lowering my voice.

Haku lowered his voice too, "Yeah, I think I was on a trip with Zabuza to Kumogakure about a year ago, there were wanted signs on every bulletin board."

I shivered, "Why can't he just give up?"

"Hikari!  Kaka-sensei wants you!"  called Naruto.

"Coming!"  I shouted back, "Bye, Haku."

When I got to the clearing, there was no Kakashi-sensei, I looked around, 'Oh no.'

The ground under me gave way and I had to scramble to the edge of the hole.  "Naruto!"

Sasuke came out from behind a tree, "That's what you get for helping Sunshine."

"I wasn't helping, Duckbutt!"  I grabbed his arm and threw him over my shoulder into the pit.  He tumbled in with a shout and a thud when he landed.


"You tried to trap me with circumstantial evidence."

I ran off to find Naruto, "Hey, Naruto, lets team up against Sasuke!"

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