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Sakura's POV

I woke up before the others, a sat quietly, waiting.  Kakashi-sensei got up before the two idiots.  He went to help Tsunami-san with breakfast, ruffling my hair as he passed by me.  The touch was so unexpected that I jolted, I haven't had anyone act like that to me in a long time, not since my dad died. "You should get going too, Hikari.  I doubt those two will be up for a while."

Nearly an hour later, after everyone had finished their morning routines, Sasuke and Naruto came crashing through the door.  "I win!" screeched Naruto.

"No, I clearly got here first." spat Sasuke.  He spotted me and said "Tell him, Hikari.  He lost, right?"

I sighed "You both lost since everyone else was up before both of you.  Kakashi-sensei and I have been waiting forever for both of you."

Kakashi-sensei brought us to that same clearing as before "Sasuke, Naruto, do the same as yesterday until you can get up all the way.  Hikari, I have a challenge for you."

He brought me to the river "First, show me if you can walk across."

I walked across with no problem.  By the time I finished training yesterday I had mastered the technique.

"Good, now, to improve your bending, creativity, and concentration, I want you to create a ball of water, about six to seven feet across."

I did as he said, slipping the water out of the river and molding it into a large ball.  "Alright, now, get this water from here to the clearing where the boys are and back."

I deadpanned "Isn't this supposed to be challenging?"

"Feel free to start again as many times as you think you need." He said with a wink.

He left in a puff of smoke and I started to walk to the clearing.  A needle shot out of the trees burst the bubble of water. "Hey!"  I glared back at the boy in the trees. "Not funny, Haku!"

He flipped down to where I was.  "What do you think you're doing here?" he asked, removing his mask.

"I joined the Konoha ninja, got a problem?" I asked, glaring back indignantly.

"Yes.  And before you ask why, it's because one, you're a girl, and two, your uncle's going to freak."

I rolled my eyes at his reasoning, "One, no one thinks I'm a girl, and two, I escaped years ago, my uncle probably thinks I'm dead."

"Don't mock me."

"Who's gonna stop me, pretty boy?" I asked, then I got a new ball of water and started to walk to where the boys were training.

"Don't say I didn't warn you!" he called after me.

At the clearing, it was surprisingly quiet.  The boys weren't there, and I saw Kakashi-sensei leaning on a nearby tree, relaxed as if nothing was wrong.

"Hey, Hikari!" chirped Naruto, dropping beside me.

A blur of blue, black, and white dropped out of nowhere and landed in my bubble, once again popping it.

"Hey!" shouted Naruto, both he and I were soaked, Sasuke had simply jumped off as soon as he had touched the surface.

"What was that for?!"  I asked, great now I have to start over.

I heard a snickering in my mind.  'Hey, you could have at least warned me.'

'Of course, I could have, but this is way more fun.' sneered the demon.

'I agree.'

I cleaned up me and Naruto, before drenching Sasu-baka with the excess water.  "Hey!"

"That's what jerks get!" said Naruto, clearly still miffed about the sneak attack.

"That's It Dobe!!!!" shrieked Sasuke, lunging at Naruto.


Both boys then proceeded to start mud wrestling.  I sighed and went back to start at the river 'Now I know why I needed to stop by at the clearing.'

I started again several times, and every time, either Sasuke or Naruto managed to pop the bubble with their carelessness.  Kakashi-sensei (I'm on the verge of just calling him Kaka#$!%) never did a thing, just watched.  Eventually, after what must have been the tenth time, I just gathered up all the spilled water and continued on my way.

There was a clapping behind me, and I turned to see Kaka#$!%.  Then I realized, bending, creativity, and concentration.  He wanted me to think outside the box, or in this case, the ball.  I brought the ball back with no problem and finished training early.  Kakashi-sensei appeared next to me and patted my shoulder.  "You see, Hikari, Being a ninja means that sometimes you can't do things the conventional way, you might have to change according to the situation.  Your bubble kept popping, but I never said that it couldn't pop, or it had to be in one piece.  I just said move the water, and you did."

"Thanks," I mumbled, although it had taken time, I guess I did get a lesson out of it in the end.


AN- so, you guys know about the whole black lives matter thing?  And how a bunch of people either support it or hate it?  Well, imagine how much more people would be with it if they just added too to the end of black lives matter.  Fewer people would call it racist and more would agree.  Just a thought. :)

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