The Fight

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(Hey guys thanks for clicking on my story I really hope you enjoy it! I worked really hard on it! Please no hate but Constructive criticism is always welcome! ☺️ ok enough lol enjoy!⚡️-0-0- )

(Harry's POV)
  I was having a really bad day. I forgot my homework for my transfiguration class, Professor Snape relentlessly embarrassed me in potions for not knowing an answer and I hadn't got any sleep the night before. So when I say I'm not in the mood to put up with Malfoys shit, I mean it.

   I hurried down the hallway to get outside away from everything for just a moment, to put my mind at peace. As I whipped around the corner I ran straight into none other then Malfoy.
"Watch it Pottah!" He snarled.
I kept walking without a word. "Where are you off to in such a hurry anyways potty? Going to meet up with that filthy mudblood and Weasel!"He said following after me. " Shut it Malfoy! I don't have the patience for your shit today!" I said. "What did you just say to me potter." He spat. I turned facing him "I said why don't you shut up and leave me alone!" I shouted.

By this time our fighting had drawn a very large crowd. I spied out of the corner of my eye Malfoys father egging Draco on to fight me. What was he even doing here? Draco pulled his wand out of his pocket challenging me. "Your not worth it!" I mutter turning around to continue towards the forest. "Don't you dare walk away from me potter!" He raised his wand to send a hex my way when I quickly turned back around yelling "Expelliarmus!" Disarming him. "Fine, I don't need a wand to kill you!" He said as he charged full force at me and knocked me down.

  I took punch after punch, feeling his hard almost brass knuckles colliding into my face. I could feel the blood go to my head as bruises formed around my left eye. More and more people gathered around to watch us brawl. I felt blood begin to drip out of my nose and with that I had enough. I pushed him off top of me, shoved him to the ground and got above him. I punched him in his face multiple times like he had done to me. My knuckles ached with pain as I continue punching him. Draco grabbed for my throat with both hands. He pulled me down besides him, to tired to get back on top of me. I felt his hands get tighter as he laid across from me watching me lose air. I lifted my hands from my side and made an effort to reach for his throat. I was successful in my efforts and with one hand grabbed his throat. The crowd around us chanted and hollered thoroughly enjoying the show. Draco's father smiled with pride watching his son choke the boy who lived.

  Laying on the cold grass staring into Draco's silver grey eyes I felt him loosening his grip. He was staring me right in my eyes getting lost in the Emerald green. He looked so intensely I'm sure he could see my soul. Suddenly and all at once our aggression turned to passion, our hate into care, our anger into endearment. Without thinking and in the split of a second our lips smashed together. It felt like the whole world paused and was spinning just for us. The crowd gasped and took a step back. This moment felt as if it could last forever. He released from my neck, as so did I and moved his hand from my neck to my cheek and deepened the kiss pulling me closer. His lips were soft and gentler then I had expected completely genuine. Our lips pulled apart and we just looked at each other in shock no words escaping our mouths.

   Draco's father marched up behind him and grabbed Draco by the collar of his robe pulling him away. I could tell he was angry, very angry and by look on Draco's face he knew his impending fate. I looked around at every one standing around me there mouths open and there faces shocked. It wasn't till then when I realized what I just did and everyone saw it. I grabbed my stuff off the ground and ran off as fast as I could not looking back heading straight for the forbidden forest. It felt like I could run forever. I heaved and puffed trying to slow down once deep into the forest. I leaned myself against a large tree, and with one great exhale I slid down the tree and felt the hot tears burn down my cheeks. What had I done!

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