Please father, I'm sorry.

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Disclaimer: (This chapter can be quite disturbing so if you are easily triggered I warn you. Also I obviously don't own Harry Potter all rights go to JK Rowling don't wanna get sued lol. Enjoy!⚡️ -0-0-)

(Draco's POV)
As our lips pulled apart I was happy for the first time in a long time, I felt whole,but that all ended to quickly when I felt his clammy hand grab onto the collar of my robe and drag me away. All I felt then was fear, fear of what my father was about to do to me.He brought me where no one could see us and threw me down hard. My head hit a rock, and everything went black.

  I woke up on the ground of my house, the back of my head was pounding. I moved my arm up to touch the back of my head. I felt wetness and knew I was bleeding. I slowly opened my eyes, the room seemed as if it was spinning and everything was blurry. I sat up carefully, rubbing my head. Objects became clearer and clearer, and then I saw him.

  My heart immediately sank to my stomach. He was sitting completely straight, waiting for me to wake up. Seeing that I was awake his cold hard face turned to a grimace. He stood from his seat and took a step towards me. Gripping his cane tightly with his palm a scowl on his face, a look of disgust. "Fa-father I i I'm sorry I didn't." He cut me off with the slam of his cane against my leg. I flinch and bite my lip in pain letting out a whimper. He walked closer to me and I backed away using the palms of my hands to scoot me over the floor. His eyes now filled with fire brought his cane into the air and slammed it over my shoulder.

  "YOU DARE DRAG THE MALFOY NAME THROUGH THE DIRT!" He yelled whipping down his cane onto my back. "I have done nothing but provide for you! Given you everything you could ever want! And you pay me in return by disobeying me!" I backed up against the wall, I had no where else to turn he had me cornered. I was terrified. "I'm sorry father, I I can't hide who I am!" I cried. With that he grabbed me by my neck and pushed me up against the wall. "NO SON OF MINE WILL BE A FAGGOT!" He roared. Dropping me from the wall he kicked me in my stomach. He started to walk away. "Not only did you kiss a boy, but you kissed POTTER our enemy! I am disgusted. He turned back around with a running start and kicked me in the ribs. I was sure I heard a crack.

Pain. Everywhere, not only physical but mental. He would never love me again I had lost my father. Even though he was awful, he is my father. I can never have what my heart wants because everyone else has different plans for my life. It's not fair! I watched him walk over to the fireplace and pick up the fire poker. He poked the fire and held the metal rod over the flame till the end was bright red. "No please father I'm sorry!" I cried out knowing what was coming next. He grabbed my robe and pulled it off of me aggressively. Leaving my chest bare. He poked the end of the hot rod into my chest. I screamed out in excruciating pain. Writhing my body up and down as it burned into my skin. "Stop!!!" I cried out. He lifted the poker off of my skin leaving a large circular burn. The fresh burn leaked with fluid, the biggest and deepest burn compared to the others that lined my stomach and up my back, from all the times his father was dissatisfied with him." I must teach you to never disobey me!" He brought down the hot rod and slashed it across my stomach leaving and long burned cut.

  The man who raised me hates me for who I am. It hurts so bad knowing everything is different now and it will never be the same again. He's beaten me before but never this bad, I felt like I could die if he put me through much more. I've tried to hide the feelings I have for Potter but I just couldn't any longer. I'm tired of hiding who I am, and if he doesn't accept me, then I think I have lost my father. "Come on boy! Your going to the dungeons! Hopefully it'll will make you sorry for what you have done to your families name!"

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