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Sorry for not updating I've been busy getting ready for school and also reading other stuff. Which reminds me I started a reading list of some really good drarry stories and you should definitely read some! ⚡️ -0-0-

(Harry's POV)
The great hall was a fluttering with chatter but where I sat there was nothing but tense silence. Hermione's eyes were glazed over as she looked at Ron trying to figure out what to say. Ron's eyes were burning with fury and he avoided looking at Hermione.

The owls came swooping in dropping off there letters and packages. My eyes walked a crossed the room to the fair blonde at the slytherin table receiving a very thick letter. He opened his letter and by the drop in his face it wasn't good.

His eyes glistened and his shoulders slumped, his lips frowned and he left the table quickly and out of the hall. I got up to follow him but realized I needed to be here for Hermione. I wonder what the letter said to make him so upset.

To far into thought I had yet to notice that Hermione and Ron were now finally talking, well yelling.
"Just tell me it's not true Hermione! You have been acting it makes sense don't lie to me!" Ron yelled.
"I can't tell you it's not true bec-." Ron cut Hermione off saying. "So it's true your shagging the ferret!"
"No Ron I'm not!"
"Then why can't you tell me it's not true!"

Hermione stood up from the table and her eyes were over flooding with tears.
"Because part of is true." She let out a sigh with each word.
" OH!, and what part would that be! The part where your pregnant with his kid! Or your secretly in a relationship with him!!" Ron yelled. Hermione was mad and couldn't hold back anymore.
"I'm pregnant you git! I never cheated on you! The baby is yours!

The tears rolled out of her eyes and she ran from the great hall. Ron's face was in shock and he didn't quite know what to do. He looked over at me and gulped. "I'm gonna be a father." It sounded more like a question then a statement. I nodded my head at him and he got up from his seat and ran after Hermione. "Hermione wait! I'm sorry!" He called after.

I guess this was as good a time as any to go find Draco and see why he is upset. I walked out of the great hall and started towards the dungeon.

I walked for a bit before I saw the slightest movement going around a-corner and ran towards it. Hoping that it was him. It was. He was walking fast with his shoulders slumped and visibly shaken.
"Draco!" I called after him. He stopped dead in his tracks and raised his shoulders back, like his whole body was tensing.

He turned to face me and his eyes were wet, but his face contorted from soft, to a sneer much like the looks I'm most familiar with. "Don't you have better things to do then stalk me, Potter." He spoke with such venom. "Draco," I made a reach for his hand and he moved it away from my reach. Tears were streaming slowly down his cheeks and he turned his face from mine to hide it.

"What happened?" I made another reach for his hand this time touching his fingers. He yanked his hand back in disgust and stared at me bewildered. "It's none of your business! But what was happening between us will no longer it is disgusting and wrong! So don't talk to me, look at me or even try to communicate with me!"He spat each word such hatred.

My heart was pounding and felt like it was being squeezed to a fine juice. How can he say all this I know it's not one sided he had to feel how I did, the passion and electricity. I made a violent reach to grab his hand but Draco was faster and pulled out his wand. Then the room went dark and I felt like I was falling. Draco hated me.

The love my enemy won. (Drarry)Where stories live. Discover now