That night at the burrow.

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Heyo! This chapter it going to be a flashback of the night Ron and Hermione spent together before school started. I'll use different font so you won't get confused enjoy! ⚡️-0-0-

  (Hermione's POV)
The house was quite and everyone was asleep. The only sound to be heard was soft snores and the houses creaks as the wind blew. I settled down onto the couch and grabbed my book, Hogwarts A History. School was starting in a couple days and I always enjoyed re-reading that book before the start of the year.

  I flipped page after page and with each one my eyes grew heavier, making it hard to keep them open. I heard more than the usual amount of creaking and I looked towards the stairs. "Hermione? What are you doing up?" Said Ron.
"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to wake you I was just catching up on some reading." I replied.
"No you didn't wake me, I was having a rough time falling asleep, so I came down here to get water." He said as he walked to the kitchen filling up a glass and taking a long sip.

  After he had finished he walked over and joined me on the couch. He leaned back and stretched out both of his arms along the back of the couch. His ginger hair laid messily against his velvety skin. My eyes grazed his entire body and I saw him begin to smile. Merlin! why does he have to be so handsome! I thought.

  "What is it that you were reading?" Ron asked. I picked up my book and showed it to him. "Hogwarts A History." I Said proudly.
"Bloody hell your reading that book again!" Laughed Ron. Seeing him laugh and smile instantly made me smile and giggle. "It's a tradition!" I said hitting him on the shoulder with the book. We broke out laughing and as it died down he began to look at me with a silly grin on his face.

"What?" I said nervously but still smiling.
"Huh, oh it's um.. nothing." He said. I nudged him with my shoulder. "Come on tell me." I said giggling.
"Well, it's just your eyes, they sparkle when you smile. I could feel my self beginning to blush and I averted my gaze. I went to push my hair behind my ear when he stopped me by taking my hand in his. He sat up straighter and took his hand pushing my hair behind my ear and gently caressed my cheek.

My heart beat fast and my breaths were quick and shallow. "Hermione you are so beautiful." He said. My face felt hot. Is this even happening?! I thought. He pushed his forehead into mine and we stared at each other for what felt like a long time.

  He hesitated but then touched his lips to mine. I greeted his lips passionately by kissing him back. I was so tired I didn't have my head screwed on right and neither did he but I wanted to. Now knowing what I know I wished I could have stopped it at just a kiss but I didn't.

In the heat of the moment I pushed his back against the couch and sat on his lap. Keeping our lips locked and feeling every way he touched my back. I let go of our lips to breathe and he kissed down my neck. I let out soft moans against his chest trying to stay quiet.

I reached for the bottom of my shirt when he stopped me. "Hermione are you sure?" He asked.
I continued to pull my shirt off and watched him ogle my chest. I leaned down and whispered in his ear "Yes."  "We should probably go to my room." He said.

He guided me up the stairs and into his room. I then cast a silencing charm. He walked up behind me and pressed his whole body into mine. We weren't thinking straight. I should have remembered but it all happened so fast and I wasn't thinking logically. Which is different of me I always think but this time I didn't.

  That night was amazing I'll never forget it, especially now. I wish we would have protected our selves, now I'm having to pay the price.

Everything was fine, until I missed, about a week after school started. I thought nothing of it as being a girl your body some times does as it wants. But then I missed again. I kept waiting and waiting but it never came. I started to become sick and I would vomit most days and be very dizzy.

This can't be happening to me. I waited another month and it still never came. I had noticed that I had gain weight and my abdominal region looked bloated.

One time. It took one time. Our very first time. All the others times after we were prepared but our first time was hot and in the heat of the moment and we didn't have a care in the world.

(Flashback over/ 8:00 p.m)

I have to talk to someone, I couldn't talk to Harry because he would be obligated to tell Ron. I can't tell Ron because I can't even look at him knowing what I know. I went to the only person I know who wouldn't judge me. Who I had found friendship in thanks to Harry. Draco.

I knocked on the portrait and waited for someone to answer. Blaise open the door "Granger! What do you want! He snarled. His tone completely changed when he saw me with tears in my eyes. "Can I please speak to Draco." I stuttered. "Yeah sure I'll go get him." Said Blaise.

I saw him climb out of the portrait and stare at me concerned. My face was blotchy and my eyes red from crying. "Hermione!" He said shocked. "What's wrong?" He said. I flung my arms around him and burst out crying. He immediately embraced me back. Whoever would have thought I would be friends with Malfoy and him holding me as I cried. "I need your help Draco! Your the only one I can talk to about this! Please help me!" I said.
"What is it Hermione?" He said worried.

"I-I-I think I'm pregnant!"

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