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Ugh school is slapping my ass and all I want to do is read and write! Anyone thanks for all the support I've been getting I love you! ❤️ -0-0- ⚡️

(Harry's POV)
I felt quite numb leaving the hospital wing. I wish I understood why he did it, did I do something wrong?  Did he ever really like me or was he playing games?

I made my way to the great hall for lunch, though I found I wasn't very hungry. Perfect, of course he has to be here.

Draco was sitting at the Slytherin table in his usual spot staring down as his plate, poking away at a potato. I avoided eye contact and sat down across from Ron and Hermione, who were sitting snuggled up.  Ron's hands wrapped around her back and laid gently on her slightly protruding abdomen.

(Draco's POV)
The only way I'm ever going to get threw this is to make him hate me again. It's going to hurt so bad but i have to.

I could feel his eyes burning into my skull but, every time I looked up at him he moved his head away. He's hurt, he shouldn't be, I have to get him to hate me.

"Hey Pansy?!" I called.
"Yes?" She answered I'm a dreamy voice batting her eyelids.
Come on Draco just do it! He's looking. NOW.
I grabbed Pansy pug like face and pulled her lips to mine. Within seconds she began melting away under my lips.

I hated it every second of her weak lips. They tasted of lip balm and were much to soft. They were not strong or commanding. It didn't feel right or natural.

I'm definitely gay.

I kept the kiss going as long as possible so people would think that Pansy and I were together and long enough to make Potter stand from his seat.

(Harry's POV)
WHAT THE FUCK! What the actual living fuckery!
I pushed myself off my seat anger seething through me. He really has been playing games with me this whole time!

He pulled away from Pansy and looked over to me his eyes like daggers and his Malfoy smirk on his lips.

Shit! Ow. It hurts. I don't care honestly he never cared about me and nether did I. He is perfectly welcome to snog his pug face girlfriend where ever he likes.

And so can I! Two can play at that game.

I entered the library and looked around at the different people there. Mainly Ravenclaws. I'll find someone to snog I don't care who anyone to get him off my mind.

The Ravenclaws who had taken off their lunch to study stayed staring deep into there books, paying no attention to me.

What about her she's pretty, no no I can find some one better. He seems pretty cute, no no NO he's not right. Ugh! His is going to be harder then I thought.

Out of the corner of my eye caught a glimpse of pale blonde hair, retreating behind a tall bookshelf. Maybe easier then I thought.

I followed him around the book shelf and took in his appearance. I immediately recognized him as
leannán mícheart a tall slender, pale, blue eyed boy from Ravenclaw. He had a square jawline and a rather flat nose. But none the less very attractive.

"Are you going to keep gawking at me or say something." Leannán said in a snippy tone.
"Oh sorry," I Said scratching the back of my neck.
"A Gryffindor in the library at lunch. Surprising really, shouldn't you be off trying to find a way to be chivalrous." He sneered still not looking up from the book in his hand.

A bit rude isn't he, why does that make me find him more attractive.

Looking aggravated he looked up from his book and placed in on the shelf. He took a few steps closer to me. "What is your agenda I know your not here to study." He said scowling.

I just noticed how much he resembles Draco, do I have a type?

Should I really be doing? What if he's not gay. He is standing rather close. Hmm. Fuck it.

I grabbed him by his blue tie and pulled him hastily to my lips and was greeted with lips that were kissing back just as passionate.

The kiss lacked the desire and gut feeling of want that I had when I kiss Draco. But still it felt good. Really good actually.

Fuck, I think I have a type.

Ahh i know I'm sorry. I hope you liked that and what do you think of Draco's replacement. P.S put   leannán mícheart into google translate for Irish. Hehe xoxo -0-0- ⚡️

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