I'm not gay, I can't be.

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(I hope your liking the story so far I'm having fun writing it! Also I don't own Harry Potter(wish I did!!!) anyway hope you like the third chapter! ⚡️ -0-0- )

(Harry's POV)
I pulled my knees up to my chest and cried. My eyes burned from the tears and my head swarmed with to many thoughts. "What even just happened! And why!" I thought. "I'm not gay, I can't be! I like girls." "I mean I've kissed girls before and I liked it but I also really liked the kiss Malfoy and I shared."
"Ahhh!!" I screamed out scaring a group of birds and they flew away.

I can't go back into the dormitory, at least not tonight. What's everyone gonna think, there not going to talk to me. Oh no I didn't even think what if Ron and Hermione saw and they don't want to be my friends anymore. My head was swollen with thoughts. I laid down my head in between my arm and my shoulder, stretched out my legs and fell asleep.

"Harry! Harry! Are you out that!" Yelled a familiar voice. My eyes twitched open at the sound. It was already the next day. How long had I been sleeping? The voice gasped when they saw me lying on the ground. "Harry! Are you alright are you hurt!" She said concern in her voice. "Hermione?" " Yes Harry it's me are you alright? She said rolling me over to face her. "Yes I'm fine." I say sitting up. "Why are you here?" "I was worried about you Harry! After we saw the fight and you ran off you didn't come back for dinner, and Ron said you never came to bed, and then you missed breakfast and lunch today and weren't in any of your classes." Hermione said. "So you and Ron saw everything thing?" I said slight hope in my voice wishing that they hadn't . "Harry if your wondering if we saw you and Malfoy kiss, we did; how come you never told us you were gay!" Hermione exclaimed more positive then I thought she would be.

"That's the problem Hermione I don't know if I am gay!"Tears started rolling out of my eyes and I immediately hid my face from her. "I'm sorry." I cried. "There's something wrong with me!" I said under my tears. "Harry, there is nothing wrong with you. You are who you are." She said proudly, embracing me in her arms. "I don't know what to do Mione." "Well I think first you need to find out if your gay or not." Said Hermione. "How do I do that?" "Well you need to try...um, Harry do I have to spell it out for you!" Hermione said slightly annoyed. "So are you saying I need to kiss some else?" "Exactly! Come on now Harry you must be starving."

   Once we made it back to the castle, worry set in, what if Ron doesn't accept me like Hermione did? What if he hates me? "Hermione?" I stutter. "Yes."she answered. "What if Ron hates me now?" I asked. "What! Are you crazy Harry he's your best friend!"
"I guess your right." I said still worried.
As we entered the dining hall for dinner I could see everyone's head turning my way staring and whispering. My eyes jerked over to the slytherin table in some hopes to see Malfoy, but he wasn't there; and all I saw were the sneering faces of slytherins. Hermione grabbed my arm and got me out of my trance. We sat down at the Griffindor table in our usual seats. I put my head down, I didn't want to raise it and dare meet eye contact with Ron.
I ate a little food but I felt to sick to eat. "Harry?" I heard Ron say. "Yeah?" I mumbled barely speaking.
"Can I talk to you a minute?" He said. "Sure." I replied. We both got up and walked out of the hall.

  Oh, this is it I thought. He's gonna tell me that I'm weird and disgusting and that he doesn't want to be my friend. My head was going nuts with thoughts of what might he have to say to me. We finally reached the common room and my heart throbbed. This is it. We sat down on the couch and didn't say anything for a good minute.

  "How come you never told?" He said sounding hurt. "I um I." I stuttered trying to find words. "I'm supposed to be your best friend! You should have told me you were gay." He said. "So you don't hate me." I said. "Hate you! Bloody hell Harry I could never!" A sigh of relief went over me and I felt happy. "Good cause I need to talk to you about something." "Well was it then, spit it out." Ron said eager to know. "Well, I um.. I don't know if I'm gay or not." "How do you not know if your gay or not you either like boys or you like girls." Ron said. "That's the thing I like girls and like kissing them and stuff, but when I kissed Malfoy I liked that too." "Oh." Said Ron I could hear the confusion in his voice.

  "I know it's confusing, but Hermione said I needed to try-." I stopped speaking and thought more about what Hermione said. I just need to try it. I thought about it for just one second more. I have to know. I leaned forward quickly, and kissed Ron on the lips.

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