Our little Secret.

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Yay! Chapter 6! Don't be rude say hi to me in the comments and vote! Also I wanted to say some of my inspiration for this chapter comes from some memes on ig in this chapter I just thought it would be fun to play them off as a story line, anyway enjoys! ⚡️ -0-0-

(Harry's POV)
It was gonna be hard to keep our relationship a secret, but if we didn't Draco would get beat again by his father and disowned from his family. I wish I could tell my friends but, I promised Draco I wouldn't. He can't risk the news some how getting out. Maybe it's a good thing, I know they said they were okay with me being bi, but they probably won't approve of my former enemy being my lover. The worst part about keeping it a secret was that Draco still had to pretend that he loathed me. Everyday I would have to endure him and his friends daily harassment.

   It has been two weeks since Draco and I decided to keep our relationship a secret. Every day after dinner we would meet in the room of requirements. We would talk about life and our home life and of course indulge our selves with a bit of snogging. I could tell Hermione was beginning to question where I was going after dinner, and it was so hard for me not to tell her.

   I was making my way back to the common room after my Rendezvous with Draco. Feeling very happy as if it I was floating. He made me feel like I never had before. I climb through the portrait hole to see Ron and Hermione sitting on the couch very close to each other. Are they kissing? I cleared my throat to make my presence know. Hermione jumped back from Ron her face red like I had just caught them doing something compromising. "Harry!" She said startled. "What were you guys doing?"I said suspiciously. "Um-um nothing! She said defensively. I looked over at Ron who was smiling silly at Hermione. I looked closer at him and saw right above his lip was a smear of clear lip gloss. They were kissing!

  A smile grew on my face and Hermione became more agitated. "The real question is where were you! You've been running off every night after dinner for the past two weeks!" She took a step towards me looking for any evidence of where I was. "Why is your collar up?" She said. "You never have your collar up!?" I stepped back quickly trying to get her not to see under my shirt.

    She cornered me against the wall and yanked down my collar. Shit! She gasped as she saw the many reddish purple love bites on my neck, given to me by Draco. I pushed her hand away and covered my neck back up. "Who is she!" Hermione said excited. "Um well first off its a He and second I can't tell you." I responded. Hermione looked a bit taken back when I told her that I was with a boy. Ron changed his gaze to the fire and his face went red trying not to make eye contact with me. What's his problem?

  "Oh!" She said. "Please tell me I can keep a secret Harry!" She said. "I'm sorry mione I promised him I wouldn't. He's not out yet." I Said. "Fine, you don't have to tell me but I will find out. I always do." She said with a smirk on her face.

  "Since you asked me questions and invaded my privacy, I get to ask you some." I stated. "Ok, go ahead." She said sitting down onto the couch. "When I came in here what were you guys doing."
"Well we were trying to do each other but you kind of interrupted that." Ron said with a big smirk on his face. "RONALD WEASLEY!" Yelled Hermione as she smacked him on the back of his head.

"Well I guess it time you know Harry, Ron and I have been dating for about two months now almost three. I'm sorry we didn't tell you we just didn't know how you were going to react." Said Hermione. "That's great Hermione! I'm so happy for you guys." I said hugging Hermione. She yawned and said "I'm tired I think I should go get some rest." She got up and walked to the girls dormitory.

I walked over and sat next to Ron on the couch. "It took you guys long enough." I chuckled. "Yeah." He laughed also. "Sooo.... have you guys ya know had sex?" I said. "Bloody hell Harry! That's personal!" He said trying not to laugh. "Well did you!" I said not being able to control my laugh. "Yeah we did. It was right before school started and she was at my house and it just happened and that's how we started dating." He said. "What was it like?" I said eagerly. "It was amazing and quite addictive I just can't get enough of her! We can't stop doing it we do it almost every other day!" He explained. "Ok-ok enough to much information!" I laughed even harder then before. So did he.

First class of the day was potions with professor Slughorn and slytherin. "Ok class gather round gather round." P.Slughorn said. I looked all around for Draco and I couldn't find him. He must be running late. "Today we will be talking about a very special potion called Amortentia." He said raising the top of the pot of releasing steam that filled the air. Everyone breathed in slowly "mmmm" erupted around the classroom as everyone smelled the delicious scent.

One by one Slughorn went around the classroom asking what they smelled. 'Honey,lemon,grass,rain' every person said something different from what I smelled. I looked over to see Draco strutting into class. He took a big deep breath in and began to scowl. "Why does this whole class room smell like disgusting Potter!" He sneered. He looked directly at me and said "Potter your stinking up the whole classroom!" Hermione eyes grew big and she looked at me like she was thinking something. "What are you looking at Granger!" He said. She turned her head back to the Professor. "Can anyone tell us what this potion is." Said Slughorn. Hermione raised her hand and he called on her. "Amortentia sir, is the worlds strongest love potion and smells different to every person based on what there most attracted to." She said while looking at Draco. Everyone started giggling.

Draco's face went red and you could visibly tell he was embarrassed. Draco took a step back from the class and I whispered into his ear. "So your attracted to my smell Malfoy." "Shut it Potter." He said slightly smiling,

After class I was walking out of the room when Hermione pushed me up against the wall. "Hermione what are you doing!" I said shocked. "It's him isn't that's who your dating!" She said. "What are you talking about." I said. "Draco, your dating Draco." She said in a whisper. "Yes, please don't tell anyone." I said hiding my face. "I knew it! Why would you not tell me and why him he's been your enemy for 5 years!" She said. "I don't, he's different when you get to know him. Also he apologized for all things he ever did to me, and you guys. And I didn't tell you for the same reason you didn't tell me about Ron." I replied

   "I get it. I would like to talk to him though and maybe become friends because he is your boyfriend after all." She said. "Thank you for being so understanding. I'll tell Draco you want to talk to him."

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