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Not dead just a awful person. I've been so busy but trust me I got plans for this story so just stick along with the ride. I love you guys! ⚡️ -0-0-.

(Harry's POV)
I felt empty and not fully aware of what just happened or where I was. The muffled noises of people talking and moving quickly around me filled my brain. The soft tap of a heeled shoe got increasingly louder.

My eyes were being pulled open and I blinked wearily at the bright round light shining down onto me.

I began to come into my senses and heard the sound get clearer. My back searing with pain and my head pounding. I slowly moved my hands to the sides of the bed and pushed my self up cringing with each push.

"Now now dear don't try and move just lay down you need your rest." This was the soothing voice of Madam Pomfrey. A voice I've come to known quite well considering how much time I spend in the infirmary.

I gave up fighting with sitting up and looked to my left where I saw Hermione and Ron holding hands. I guess they stopped fighting pretty quickly.

"What happened?" I Said as weak as I felt.

"Well Madam Pomfrey said that she just found you laying on one of the infirmary beds, she reckons that someone brought you here, dropped you off and left." Hermione answered.

"She also said you were hexed pretty bad. Do you remember what happened at all Harry?" Ron added.

Like a ton of bricks it hit me and I remembered and it felt more painful to remember then any hex that could have been thrown my way.

I remembered the letter Draco got and how I followed him and how he said that we couldn't be together and that our relationship was disgusting. Then I remember him telling me not to talk or look at him again and then he hexed me and I fell.

But then I remember more, I remember the faintest sound of sobs that sounded miles away. I remember being lifted from the ground in a strong embrace and the smell of cologne, hair gel and broomstick polish. Lastly I remember the last words whisper into my unconscious head.

"I'm sorry.... if only we had a different life we could be together.....maybe in a different life we will.....but until then Har-....Potter I'm sorry.

He breathed out another sentence but I couldn't quite hear what he said.

A tear climbed its way down my cheek and I reached a weak arm up to wipe it away. I felt completely broken.

Just went I thought I was finally going to be happy I got that bloody letter. The letter that told me my fate. I was going to be a new death eater. I have to kill Albus Dumbledore. Voldemort has my family.

I can't be with Harry and be on the opposite side of the war that was starting. I had to protect my family. I had to end it.

I just can't ever be happy it's not the plans for my life. I'm a death eater now and back to Potters enemy.

Seeing his body laying on the ground on my doing I felt awful. I began to sob at what I had to do my life was crumbling apart.

I picked his body up and he was limp in my arms. As I walked him to the infirmary I whispered in his ear all the thing I wish I could tell him.

"I'm sorry.... if only we had a different life we could be together.....maybe in a different life we will.....but until then Har-....Potter I'm sorry." I felt broken. I tried my best to speak through the sobs and breathed out my last words.

"I love you Harry Potter."

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