The Rumor.

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I hope you guys are liking the book I'm enjoying updating it. I would love to know some of the readers so say hi to me!!! Ok I'm done lol. Enjoy! ⚡️ -0-0-

(Third person POV)
   Draco's eye widen and he embraced Hermione harder. 'How did this even happen' he thought she's the brightest witch of our age.' Hermione cried louder and louder. "Hermione it's okay will figure this out." Draco said. "It's not! It's not okay!" Hermione yelled through her tears. "Hermione it's no use crying over it's already done. Now we need to make a plan. Come on let's go somewhere more private." With that Draco pulled Hermione down the corridors to a abandoned spot where they talked almost all night.

Little did they know that behind the portrait hole were the spying ears of Miss Pansy Parkinson. Who heard every word. She was shocked. ' Mudblood is pregnant! And I bet Draco is the father why else would she tell him.' 'I knew Draco was lying to me about Potter! Draco is my love and I'm going to get him back!'

The rumor around school started within the Slytherin common room. It made its way to Hufflepuff then Ravenclaw and finally to Gryffindor. By morning most of the school had heard the rumor that Draco and Hermione were having an affair and she was pregnant with his child.

Hermione awoke from her sleep to an angry Ron and a sad looking Harry.

(Harry's POV)
  Hermione rubbed her eyes and sat up in her bed. "What are you guys doing in the girls dorm-." She was cut off quickly by Ron. I hope this isn't true if it is, Draco cheated on me. My heart would be broken I don't know if I could look at Hermione the same. I don't think it's true Hermione would never do that to me.

"Is it true!" Ron roared waking up some other girls who were sleeping. "Is what true?" You could the confusion in her voice. "That you sleeping around with Malfoy and got yourself knocked up!" Hermione's eyes welled with tears "I-I-I never."
"Save it! It's obviously true that's why your crying! Who knew you were such a slag!"

My eyes widen as I saw Hermione cry harder. "Hey Ron that was uncalled for!" I said but he was already down the steps and out of the room.

"Hermione is it true?" I asked sitting on her bed. "No I was trying to tell him that before he called me a SLAG! I would never do that to you Harry."
I believe her. "How come people are saying you visited Slytherin last night?"
"Well I did because I needed to talk to Draco he helped me but nothing else happened we're just friends!"
"Why Draco why not me I'm alway here for you Hermione." I Said patting her back trying to calm her down. "It's not that easy. I was scared that you would tell Ron but I guess now it doesn't matter since the whole school thinks I'm a slag."
"Hermione tell me." I pleaded.
"Well, one part of that rumor is true, that I'm pregnant but it's Rons." A single tear dropped from her eye and she dropped her head down ashamed. Ron would sure feel like a piece of shit if he heard that she was pregnant with his baby after he just called her a slag.

It took me a second to get through my disbelief. "So your going to be a mum?"
"Yeah." Hermione said quietly. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in giving her a long hug. "You have to tell Ron, you know that right. Even after he said that stuff. I know he didn't mean any of it it he was just angry."
"I know and I will I just don't know when." Hermione said.
"Preferably soon. I would rather not have the whole school thinking your a slag and that my boyfriend is a cheater."
"Your right I will tell him today."
"Come on lets go get breakfast."

As we walked the corridors to the hall I could tell Hermione was fighting off tears because of the people whispering around her. "Harry! Wait!" I heard a voice yell. Suddenly I was knocked to the ground and saw no other then Draco. "Did you really have to knock me down?" I chuckled. "It's not true Harry I would never cheat on you!" Draco said. "I know Mione told me everything." He had a sigh of relief and kissed my lips quickly and softly. "Good." He sighed.

"As much as I love you on top of me I am rather hungry." I Said "oh, yeah, right, sorry." Draco said getting off of me and helping me to my feet. Hermione smiled at us.

Draco and I laced our hands together and walked into the hall. Everyone was staring at us. I patted Hermione on the back letting her know she could do this. She lifted her head straightened her back and strutted straight over to our table and plopped herself in her seat. The rest of the hall turned there gaze from her to Draco. I turned facing him and kissed him right in front of everyone until they stopped staring. Which worked. We made our way to our separate tables and I sat next to Hermione who was in a death stare with Ron.

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