Pansy the genius

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(I know you hate me I'm sorry 😐 school has been rough! Ugh I hate it! -0-0- ⚡️)

(Draco's POV)
"What the bloody fuck was that for?" Pansy said slightly annoyed.
I gave her a confused look and and tried to read her expression, I thought she liked me?

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but, I thought you had a thing for me?" I Said confused.

"Well I did, but now that I've gotten my head out of my arse, I  can see how blatantly gay you are."

"Sorry for kissing you I just wanted to make Ha-, Potter jealous."

"You're a complete arse you know," Pansy sighed, "You certainly made him upset, he left so fast."

A grin swept over my face.

"Get that bloody smirk off your face you wanker. Why aren't you with him any more."

And with that my grin did leave my face remembering why I can't be with him, or anyone I love in fact.
I said nothing and pulled out of my pocket the carefully folded letter. Pansy being my dearest friend I would trust her with my life, so I slid her the letter, to explain the situation.

She took the letter cautiously with curious glances from me back to the letter. I watched as she averted her eyes fully now, to the letter in front of her and pushed back a piece of her short hair behind her ear.
Her eyes squinted and her nose wrinkled up, as if being in disgust.

"Hmph." She said almost like laughter. Which confused me because this was certainly not a laughing matter.

"What?" I Said confusion lifting my words.

"Well, that's fucking shit." She said blatantly.

"Excuse me?" I Said my confusion now very evident.

Pansy turned to face me with a smug expression on her face and placed her hand on my cheek caressing it.

"I said, that's ....fucking..... shit." She spoke each word as if I had a hearing issue and patted my cheek on each syllable.

"Fuck off! If your not gonna take this seriously then-."

Pansy sighed loudly and rolled her eyes. "Draco, dear how can you be so daft! This letter should not control you, you don't have to do this."

"Pansy you don't understand the seriousness of the situation, I have feelings for a boy! And it just so happens to be someone my parents want dead! If I didn't end it then we would both be killed!"

"Draco I-."

Tears begun to swell in my eyes, "You don't that I don't want to be with him I lo-, I would do anything to be with him it's just to dangerous."

A tear rolled down my face as Pansy stared at me in the eye and wiped it away with her palm. "Draco darling I think you misunderstood me, I understand well enough how dangerous your relationship is, but it is clear that you lo- have really strong feelings for him, so why put both of you threw the pain and just keep it a secret again."

"Do you really think that would work?"

"I think it could if your willing to put in the work. Go back to how it used to be, fight in the halls, don't make eye contact, then meet with him in private, no one would know." Pansy said smiling mischievously.

My heart leaped, and a small hope ignited inside me.

"Pansy you might just be a genius!"

"I know," she said flipping her short hair, "go find him and apologize for kissing me, tell him the plan."

"Thank you Pans," I Said getting up and kissing her cheek.

"Go!" She said laughing.

(Harry's POV)

I pushed leannán up against the book shelf, as he gripped at my hair and back. Ours mouths were moving in syncopated patterns. I bit his lower lip and tugged slightly, before regaining our tongues battle for dominance. One of my hands was holding his hand above his and the other was lowering down on his back. I took in every second of his warmth trying to forget about who I really want to be snogging.

The click of a door shutting made me pull away from the kiss, our chest still touching I turned my head towards the noise. There stood a horrified Draco. His cheeks were blood red against his pale complexion and tears were brimming his icy eyes.

A gut wrenching feeling took over me as I looked at him and could feel his hearts pain.

What the fuck did I do.

He turned to leave and I moved for him and grabbed his shoulder. "Draco wait!"

"FUCK OFF POTTER!" He yelled slapping away my hand. I took a step back because now he was filled with a new emotion. Hate. He was clenching his teeth and fists and tears were gliding slowly down his porcelain skin.

He looked over my shoulder at leannán, "Have fun getting it up the ass!" He said sneering and walking out of library.

"Draco please I'm-." But he was already gone.

I wiped my eyes trying to push back the tears that were forming.

"Welp, never snog boys with baggage, noted." leannán said as he fixed his tie and strutted away and out of the library.

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