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(Hehe yeet things are heating up.... blah blah don't own Harry Potter yeah yeah enjoy! ⚡️ -0-0- )

(Harry's POV)
I was excited for today, I had finally come to terms with my sexuality and my friends excepted me but, I still don't want to tell that many people yet. I was mostly nervous to see Draco I hadn't seen him yesterday and I was worried about him. I really need to apologize for the kiss. He's obviously not gay so I probably ruined his imagine. I don't know why I'm so worried about Draco it's not like I have a crush on him. Right?

I made my way down for breakfast with Ron and Hermione; my eyes were scanning the slytherin table looking for his blonde hair. Finally I spotted him he was standing at front of the table. I let out a small gasp. His face was red and splotchy, his hands were raw and scraped, up his arm were tons of bruises but they were mostly hidden by his robe. You could see dark purple bruises creeping up his neck. Dark circles mooned under his eye, they were red from crying. He was thin and looked very fragile as if one push and he would break. As he walked over to his table he limped. What had happened to him I thought. I have to talk to him.

  I sat down and continued staring at him. He sat down at the table and lowered his head not eating one bite of food. His hair was not brushed back like it usually is, but instead curled and fluffy, natural. He lifted his head and looked right at me, our eyes locked for a moment but I quickly turned my head and and joined into the conversation. "What's wrong with you?" Said Neville. "Huh what do you mean?" I replied "Your face it's all red, ar-are you blushing?" Said Neville. "What no!" I snapped probably a little more angry then I should have.

   "Jeesh, I was just making sure you were all right." He said raising both his hands up. Hermione patted my hand, I looked up at her and she smiled slightly. A warm and friendly smile that made me calm down a bit and lowered my nerves.

Rumors that Malfoy and I were homo lovers was circulating Hogwarts. Seeing as now both of us were back at school. I was not ready to come out yet. Not ready for peoples judgement.

   I have to apologize to Malfoy I'm really dreading it I can already imagine how awkward that's going to be. I mean what even am I going to say, 'hey sorry for kissing you and now the whole school thinks your gay. Now tell me all about why your bruised up.' Merlin's beard this is gonna be awkward.

  (Later that day)
There he is walking down the hallway finally alone without Crab and Goyle in sight. Nows my chance. I ran out behind him and grabbed his wrist, pulling him into the supply room. He was scared because he didn't know it was me. I locked the door and put up a silencing charm. "Lumous." I Said making the dark room bright. I watched his face as he realized who I was.

   "Potter!" He sneered. That tiny hope in me that maybe things had changed died out hearing his familiar nasty tone. "Come to kiss me some more eh? Potter! I get that I am irresistible, but I must tell you that I'm not gay." He said trying to sound confident but it slowly lessen the more he went on.

   "Actually I wanted to apologize to you. I'm sure that was embarrassing I don't even know how it happened and actually I'm not gay either." I lied.
"Oh." He said sadder then I expected. "So you regret it. Our kiss." He whisper his head down looking at his feet.

  The hope inside of me re lit. "Um- um I.." I was at a loss for words. I haven't even thought about it. Yeah it sucks everyone saw it but I don't think I regret it one bit. He was acting differently now like he was letting his emotions out.

  He raised his head back up, I quickly looked down trying not to get caught in his eyes. "Do you?" He said again this time louder with more strength to his voice. Very intimidating, but sexy.

  He put his finger under my chin and moved my head up to look at him. He took a step forward closer to me and I felt my heart beat jump. He kept his finger under my chin forcing me to not look away from him.

  He traced my face with his eyes almost like he was admiring it. He locked his eyes with mine and brought his lips almost an inch away from mine. I could feel his breathing on my lips. He said one more time slowly pronouncing each word carefully and powerfully. "" I shook my head no and before I could finish he broke the space between our lips.

    He pushed me back up against the wall I could feel his whole body against mine. He was kissing me like he could never kiss someone again. It was full of lust and hunger for one another that we didn't know we had.

   He pushed my hands up against the wall and set both of his palms on mine. He gently bit at my bottom lip. This made me crazy and I wrapped my arms around his neck and weave my fingers up through his soft hair. I tried my hardest not to but I let out a small moan.

  This made him crazy, he picked me up and tossed my legs around his waist and I let his tongue enter my mouth deeper.

  (Draco's POV)
It felt amazing to finally have him in my arms. After all these years, all these dreams of him. I can never actually have him. No no no no no. I pushed my-self off of him. "Sorry, sorry I just can't." I said beginning to feel tears come out of the corner of my eyes.

   "Did I do something wrong I don't understand." Harry stuttered. "No, everything is perfect, it's exactly what I wanted for years." I say through tears. "Then whats wrong?" He said concerned. "Us we are wrong no one would ever accept us. At least you have friends to support you, but my father won't even look at me anymore!"I cried.

    "Did he do this to you." Harry said running his hand up my bruised arms. It felt so good to be touched by him. I nod my head yes and I could feel him wrap his arms around me and hug me. "I can never have you and make my father happy!" I say almost as a whisper. He pulled back from the hug and looked me in the eye.

"Who said we have to tell anyone."

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