Somewhere in the middle.

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(Hehe I left you on a cliffhanger don't worry I'm picking up right where I left off! That chapter took me sooo long to write. Still don't own Harry Potter come on just give it to me already. Ok I'm don't ranting enjoy! ⚡️ -0-0- )

(Harry's POV)
The kiss was rough and awkward I could feel his whole body tensing up beneath my lips. Finally I released him after about 10 seconds. "What the bloody hell was that Harry!" He said sounding confused. "Sorry." I said "I just wanted to see if I was gay or not." "And..." said Ron expecting an answer. "It made me more confused." I said. "Sorry I was no help but maybe it felt different because you don't have feelings for me." Ron suggested. "Ugh I don't know maybe your right." I really did not feel anything when I kissed him no sparks, but it didn't feel wrong to be kissing a boy; maybe I wasn't gay at all; or maybe it's just cause we're good friends.

"I have to go find someone." I said "Ok see you later then!" He waved me goodbye and I stepped out of the common room. I was walking around the halls aimlessly hoping I would run into the person I wanted to talk to, and sure enough I did.

"Why hello Harry Potter." Said Luna smiling at me. "Hi Luna I was wondering if you could help me with something." "What is it." She said "Um well, I suppose you saw what happened yesterday?" She nodded her head as a yes. "Well I'm trying to figure out if I'm gay or not. I was wondering if I could kiss you cause I feel your the most understanding. I know this sounds really weird and immature but it would help me figure it out." "Sure Harry Potter." She said unfazed by my unusual question. She grabbed my hand and led me over to a windowsill and we just looked at each other unsure what to do next.

I leaned in and kissed her. Her lips were soft just as how they looked and the kiss was gentle and sweet. As soon as the kiss stopped she asked me "Did that help any?" She said with genuine concern. "Not really." I Said. "It's just like the other times I've kissed girls I've liked it but I also liked when I kissed Malfoy." I told her. Even a small part of me felt the kiss I had with Ron wasn't wrong just the wrong person.

"Harry have you ever thought that you might be bi-sexual?" She said. "Huh,what's that?" I said confused. "Being bi-sexual is when you like boys and girls Harry. It's somewhere in the middle between straight and gay." She looked quite pleased with her self while informing me of this. What she said made perfect sense. For the first time in a long time I felt like I knew myself again. "Is it allowed." I said "Of course Harry Potter you can love whoever you choose it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks." "Thank you so much Luna!" I hugged her happily, finely feeling sane.

   I walked as quickly as possible to the common room so I could tell Ron and Hermione. I walked into the common room and there they were sitting by the fire chatting. I sat down next to them and waved. "Hello guys." I said "Hi Harry!" Said Hermione. "I have come to the conclusion that I'm bi-sexual." I blurted out fast without any context. Hermione gazed at me happily and embraced me in a hug. "I'm so happy for you Harry, I can't believe I didn't think of that." Ron patted my back and smiled his way of telling me he accepted me for who I am. But I could tell he was still a little startled from me kissing him earlier.

  Everything felt so right in my life, but I still need to talk to one person. Draco. He had been missing all day today and I am a bit worried about him for some weird reason. Why am I so worried about Malfoy and since when have I called him Draco. My heart flutters when I think about him and give me a airy feeling in my stomach. I really hope he is okay his father looked very mad.

   I went up the steps to my dorm and said good night to Ron and Hermione. I put on my pajamas and snuggled into bed and closed my eyes thinking about his blonde white hair and began to dream about his silver eyes.

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