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I hum to the music playing on the radio as I stir corn that I have cooking on the stove. The kids are running around the house, playing hide and seek. The guys are in the livingroom talking about what games we should play while sipping on their beers.

The women are at the dinning room table, laughing at stories that they're telling from their pasts. My little puppo, Luna, runs into the kitchen with Leo, my little brother, close behind her.

"Y/n!" Leo whisper yells. I turn away from my cooking.
"Yes?" I ask.
"Can you help me find a good hiding spot?" He frantically asks.
"I dunno Lee." I say, setting the wooden spoon in my hand down.
"Com'on! Everyone knows you're the hide and seek champion!" I giggle.
"Yes!" He cheers, throwing his fist into the air. I just shake my head and begin to look around the kitchen for a good place to hide the small boy and dog.
"Over here!" I grab his hand and drag him over to the fridge.
"You're gonna hide me in the fridge?" He asks, confused.
"No!" I say and lightly hit him over his head. "I'm gonna hide you two in the cabinet above the fridge."
"Oh..." Is all he responds with.
Rolling my eyes, I pick him up and lift him onto the open cabinet.
"Here." I whisper and hand him Luna. "Be extra quiet because this is a risky spot."

He nods and gives me a thumbs up meaning I can close the doors. I do so before rushing back over to the stove to check on the food. I also don't want to look suspicious when the seeker walks in. Picking the wooden spoon back up, I stir the mashed potatoes I made. They smell extra good.

"Maybe some butter..." I mutter to myself and add some in.

Y/n, Y/n, Y/n!!!" My little cousin shouts, running over to me.
"Yeah Roy?" He holds up a finger and catches his breath.
"Is anyone hiding in here?" He asks.
I look around the kitchen and spot two little feet behind some curtains on the dinning room.
"No, but I think Jessy might be in the dinning room." I whisper to him and wink. He smiles.
"You're the best Y/n!"
He shouts and runs to go catch the hiding girl. I just laugh and turn back to the stove again, just as the timer goes off.

Turkey is done!

I lean down and open the big door to see the golden brown turkey sitting there. Licking my lips, I put on some oven mitts and pull it out.
It's amazing smell fills the entire room. Carefully, I bring it into the dinning room and place it in the middle of the table. All the women stare at it and then me.

"It looks and smells delicious
Y/n!" My Aunt Kimberly compliments.
"Thanks." I blush. "I'll bring out the rest in a moment."

Turning around, I rush back into the kitchen and put all the other foods into bowls with spoons. As I pick up two of the bigger bowls, my dad walks up and takes them from me.

"Let me help." He says.
I smile and grab two other bowls and follow him into the dinning room with all the food.
"Everyone to the dinning room!
Dinner is ready!" Mom shouts.
Everyone then starts to run into the room and take their seats.

I should go get Leo down.

I smile and run over to the fridge and open the cabinet above it.
"You scared me Y/n." He laughs.
Luna lets out a small bark.
"Let's go eat." I help them out and set them on the floor. "Go ahead, I'll be in with juice in a minute." I say.
Leo turns from me and runs to go get food with the puppy. I then open the fridge and pull out some juice and head to join everyone else.
"Amazing looking meal as always Y/n." My Uncle Ken says.
"Thanks." I set the juice onto the table and take a seat next to Leo. "Let's get digging in!"

- - -

"Pass the me more corn please."
My Dad's friend asks. I pick up the bowl and chuckle.
"You look like you've had enough corn James." He sends me a playful glare as a hand him the bowl.
"We picked the right person to cook every Thanksgiving." My Grandma says.
"You know we did." Aunt Nena agrees.
"Well yo-"

The window behind me smashes, cutting me off mid-sentence.
My head whips to the right as I try to look at what just happened. Before I can take in anything that just happened, Aunt Kimberly gets pulled through the window.

"HELP!!!" She screams My eyes widen.
Standing outside the window is one of our neighbors, Jeff.
"Jeff? What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Uncle Ken asks.

He goes to stand up when the sound of a gun going off fills the air.
Uncle Ken stops in his tracks and falls onto the floor. Everyone starts screaming and freaking out. The sound of another bullet and Jessy is motionless. I quickly turn to my left and grab hold of Leo before ducking under the table. More gun shots, but it now seems like multiple people are shooting. Tears run down Leo's face.

"What's going on Y/n?" He asks.
"I-....I'm not sure."

I continue to protectively hold Leo to my chest as I move the table linen to see what's going on. I can slightly see Jeff standing there with his wife, still with Aunt Kimberly in his grasp, shooting at our house. Scared they'll see me, I let go of the linen and slide across the floor so the other side of the table. The screaming continues until there's no more; and then the shooting stops. It goes oddly silent, then it's replaced with the psychotic laughter of Jeff and his wife.

"You're going to make a lovely meal my darling." Jeff says to who I can only assume is Aunt Kimberly.
"W-what?" She stutters. No reply. "NOOO!!!" She starts screaming. "SOMEONE HELP ME!!!" She yells. I cover my mouth to hide my sobs.
"THESE FUCKING PSYCHOS KILLED MY FAMILY!!!!" Her voice sound farther away. "HE-!"
I hear a loud bashing noise and her screams stop.

What the hell just happened?!

I let go of Leo.
"Stay under here with Luna. I'm going to make sure it's safe." He shakes his head.
"Don't go Y/n!" He cries.
"Shhh." I shush him. "I promise I'll be back in a minute."

Before he can protest again, I slip out from under the table and the sight before me makes my eyes widen again. I stand up and look at all the damage done. Jessy lies dead on the floor, a hole in her head.
Uncle Ken is on the table, bloody all over. Roy and his older brother, Johnny, have bullets in their chests. Mom sits dead in her chair. Dad lays dead in front of her as if he was trying to protect her. My Aunt Eva and Uncle Mike are dead on the other side of the room. It looks like they tried to run away. Grandma and my cousin Clarity are nowhere insight. I start to panic even more than I already was.

Did they get taken too?!

I'm about to look out the window when I hear a sob come from the corner of the room.

"Clarity?" I ask. Her head perks up and she looks at me with sadness and fear in her yellowish eyes.
"Y-Y/n?" She whispers I rush over to her and check for any bullet wounds.
"Are you okay?" I ask. She has only a piece of glass in her shoulder.
"I'm f-fine." I frown. "W-what's going o-on Y/n-n?" She hiccups.
"I have no idea." I help up the teenage girl when I feel something grab at my legs. I jump and look down to see it's only Leo.
"I told you to stay under the table!" I say.
"Sorry," He wipes away a tear. "Luna and I were scared." I nod.
"You two go into the bathroom and lock the door. I'm going to go look for Grandma and calk the cops." Clarity shakes her head.
"Don't leave us alone!" She shouts.
"I'm not," I say. "I promise to not leave the house. Now go!"

Clarity picks up Leo and runs to the bathroom down the hall with Luna following. As soon as I see them enter, I pull out my phone and dial 911
The phone doesn't even ring. It just does that beeping thing for when it's out of service. I furrow my eyebrows and walk over to the shattered window. The sight causes me to drop my phone.

Houses are on fire. People run all over the streets as others chase them with weapons. Telephone poles lay on top of cars and children scream.

What the hell is going on?

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