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"Seventy-six bottles of milk on the wall, seventy-six of miiillkkk-"
"Shut up!" Tyler shouts at Mark. I watch as he smirks at Amy and nods to Ethan. I roll my eyes.
"TAKE ONE DOWN, PASS IT AROUND, SEVENTY-FIVE BOTTLES OF MILK ON THE WALL!!!" The three of them shout. I chuckle and Tyler sighs.
"Can't believe this might be the last thing I hear." He groans.
"Lighten up. They just wanna make you laugh." I tell him.

Tyler then looks over his shoulder at all four of them singing together with the dogs bouncing around them. He cracks a smile. When he turns back to look ahead I can tell he feels a bit better. I give the man a pat on the shoulder and walk a head. As I go further up I begin to notice that the trees are thinning out. I take a quick glace at the compass I'm holding and then stare up at the sky, stopping in my tracks.

"What is it?" Tyler catches up.

I take a few more steps forward to see a chimney. I'm about to tell the others when I notice something else. Out the corner of my eye I manage to catch something moving. My eyes widen and my knife almost jumps into my hand. Tyler seems to see the same thing and pulls out a pistol.

"Quiet!" I whisper yell. They all stop in their tracks and close their mouths at the seriousness in my voice. "The house is up ahead, but we're not here alone." Everyone draws their weapons and I turn back and pull Leo closer to me. Luna walks in front of us, ready to attack. "Let's move slowly and stick together." I say.
"I want everyone standing around Leo!" Mark whisper shouts. They all move so we're in a circle with Leo in the middle.
"Move forward!" Tyler commands.

We all slowly inch to the edge of the forest. The house becomes clearer. The whole thing is made out of wood and is clearly older. I can make out two chairs on the porch and things just lying around. It's almost as if te last people here abandoned everything.

But why would they do that?

We press on, coming to the very edge of the forest. Sighing, Ethan steps out into the open. My eyes widen.

"Get back here!" I whisper. He just shakes his head.
"It seems pretty safe." Tyler walks out to join him and so does Amy. I face Mark and can see he feels the same way I do.
"Something isn't right." Out the corner of my eye I notice something move again. I shift myself to face it only to feel true fear push through my veins. "WATCH OUT!" I yell and dive forward, knocking Amy to the ground.

At the same time I hear as something flies through the air with a cry in pain following after. I move off Amy to see she's a bit shaken up. Another thing flies through the air and goes right past our heads. It was an arrow.

"Go left with Mark." I tell her.

She nods and stands, taking Mark's arm and rushing towards where the first arrow came from. I come to a crouching position and see Tyler behind a tree with Leo between him and the tree.

"Stay with Leo! Where's-"

As soon as I go to ask where Ethan is, I get my answer. He's lying on the ground with an arrow sticking out of him leg. I act quick, getting over to him fast. I glance at the arrow for only a brief second before I start to drag him towards the forest.

"What are you doing?" Another arrow flies by.
"Saving your goddamn life!" I drop him next to Tyler and come to a full standing position. "Don't touch the arrow. Stay here. I'm going in." I run in the direction of the house as Ethan shouts for me not to.

I make it onto the porch where I see that the front door is open. I slam it shut and don't even bother in trying to go inside. the windows are mostly boarded up and the parts that aren't still have glass. I look to the forest just in time to see someone jump from a tree and onto the ground. They recover fast and dash to me. I hold my knife by the blade and take in a deep breath. As soon as the guy is close enough, I jump froward and hit him as hard as I can in the forehead. He falls to the ground. More people comes from the forest with bows and knives in their hands. Mark and Amy run out from the side and split up, tackling one person and getting into a knife fight with the other. I run out on the lawn and go through everyone. That's when I notice only one person has a gun.

He's probably their leader. Take him out and they'll surrender.

I sprint at him. He smirks and points his gun at me. I smile and continue towards him. He seems almost confused as I shout and tackle him to the ground. The man struggles beneath me and I manage to look into his eyes and see he isn't a Cannie.

Still a threat though.

With one push the tides turn and now he's standing over me. I jump and pull another knife from my side to duel wield them. As I go to slash him he puts his gun to my head. The cold metal stops me in place.

"Checkmate." He says cockily.

I stare deep into his cold blue eyes before doing something he doesn't expect. I drop both my knives.

"Giving up so easily, eh?" He chuckles. I also chuckle. "Why are you laughing?" He asks, a bit confused.
"Cause you think I gave up."

Before he can even process what I've said I grab onto the shaft of the gun with one hand and take hold of his wrist with the other. I then push the gun back so it smacks right into his head. The man groans and stumbles back into a tree. I'm quick to pin him against it with his own gun to his head.

"Checkmate." I smile. A drop of blood drips down his face as he smirks.
"I underestimated you." He says. "Call off!" He shouts. I watch as all of his people move away from the group. "You can let me go now. You've proved your worth." I step back and he goes to push forward when I take home of his collar and throw him to the ground.
"I'm keeping this by the way." I put the gun into the side of my bag and lean down to pick up my knives.
"Feisty, I like it." He laughs and stands up, wiping a bit of the blood away. "The names Blake." He tells me. I can't help but stare at the scar on his left cheek. "What's your name sweetheart?" I roll my eyes.
"Why the fuck did you shoot my friend?" I nod to Ethan. Tyler is at his side trying to keep him calm.
"Why won't you tell me your name?" I scoff and head over to Ethan.
"Y/n!" Leo shouts and runs towards me. He hugs my legs tightly and I pat him on the back with a smile.
"Y/n...I like it." I hear Blake mumble.
"T! Get the wounded boy inside tend to his wounds!" A mixed girl runs past me and with the help of Tyler they pick up Ethan and head into the house. "You guys should stay until your friend is patched up. Wouldn't want to have a Cannie smell ya' and seek you out." Mark and Amy head into the house with Chica behind them. "I also wouldn't mind getting to look at you for a bit longer." Blake smirks and winks at me as he follows everyone in. I sigh and head in too.

Great. Now I have to deal with this creep. We're definitely not staying for long or I may have to leave sooner than originally planned.

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