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"Glad you could join us." Kyle says as I walk over to the island. "Damien has been cooking a stew all day for us." I look around until my eyes land on the man at the stove. He's tall and skinny with dark skin. His face looks similar to Jacob's.
"Are you and Jacob-"
"Related? Yes." He cuts me off and smiles. I nod. A bowl of stew is placed in front of me. 
"Where is everyone else?" I look around the island to see that the only people here are Tyler, Blake, Fiona, Kyle, and Damien are here.
"They all went to sleep after they were finished." Tyler tells me. I nod and pick up my spoon, shoveling some of the stew into my mouth.
"This is really good Damien." He smiles.
"I'm glad you like it. Ima head off to bed. Night y'all." Everyone says goodbye to Damien as he leaves.
"I think I'll head out too." Tyler yawns and waves and he heads towards the study.
"So tell me about yourself Y/n." I turn to see Kyle looking at me as I eat my stew. 
"What you wanna know?" I ask. 
"Where are you from?" Fiona asks me a question while Kyle thinks.
"Parker, Arizona." I tell them as I finish the last of my stew.
"Wow, you've come a long way." Fiona comments.
"Everyone with me came from LA." Kyle nods.
"Is Leo your son or something?" Kyle asks. I shake my head.
"He's my little brother." I say.
"You seem to be very protective of him. I'm surprised that you've let Paula watch him." I chuckle.
"Paula seems very nice and trustworthy. She's also very good with kids." They all nod with smiles on their faces.
"Well I'm not actually from this side of the US. I was visiting some friends for Thanksgiving when this all happened." Fiona tells me.
"I was in a college nearby where Fiona was staying. We ran into one another and stuck together since." Kyle smiles are her as he wraps his arm around her shoulder.
"I guess somethings are meant to be." Fiona gives Kyle a quick peck on the lips. Suddenly I yawn.
"Tired?" Blake asks. I nod. "My room is still an option." I shake my head.
"I'll sleep on the couch to keep an eye on Ethan. I wouldn't want a Cannie or some rando to come in while we're sleeping and have him be defenseless." Blake heads for the living room.
"Well there will be a spot open for you next to me if you wanna join." He winks and leaves.
"Blake is so into you." Fiona points out as Kyle takes my dirty bowl.
"I'm aware." Kyle chuckles.
"He's always a flirt but I've never seen him try so hard before." He returns to Fiona's side. "Just know that Blake is gonna keep trying." Kyle says as he and Fiona head for the bedroom down the hall that's off the kitchen.
"I know, but he'll be rejected every time." They laugh and enter the room.

I down my glass of water and turn away from the island. I blow out the candles in the kitchen and head in the living room. I chuckle as I notice Ethan sleeping in what looks like the most uncomfortable position. He's on his back with him left arm underneath him and his right arm over his forehead. His right leg is almost perpendicular to his body and his left leg is bent off to the side. I shake my head and sit on the old couch that's on the opposite side of the room. I then blow out the candles that are on the table before lying back.

"Goodnight." I whisper and close my eyes, falling deep asleep. 

- - - 

The sound of birds chirping fills my ears. I yawn and stretch my arms up in the air while cracking my fingers. An even louder yawn leaves my mouth and I rub my eyes before opening them. I sit up on the couch and stretch out my legs. A loud thud makes me jump. I turn my head to see that Ethan is awake and sitting up. He throws a knife at a wooden board leaning against the wall by the front door.

"Morning." I say and stand from the couch. Ethan faces me and sets down his knife.
"Morning." I walk over to him and lean down to place my hand over his forehead. He feels way cooler than he did the day before. I sigh.
"Your fever seems to be gone." I go to the end of the mat and sit down by his legs. Pulling up the blanket, I unwrap his wounded leg and take a look at it. It doesn't look infected. I smile to myself for a moment but let it disappear as I look back up at Ethan. "Your legs looks pretty good to me." I stand up and head for the kitchen. "Want something to eat?" I ask.
"Uh, sure." I go out in the kitchen and fill two bowls with stew left over from the night before. I put a spoon in either bowl and then return to Ethan. I hand him his bowl and take a seat in the chair next to him. "Who made this?" He asks after taking his first bite.
"Damien." He nods like he knows who that is. 

After finishing his bowl of cold stew I take the bowl and head for the kitchen. I go over to the sink and leave the bowls in it, not knowing what else to do with them. I then head back in the living room to see Ethan throwing knives again. I watch as he holds the knife by the tip of the handle and throws it at the board. The knife flies through the air, but just smacks the board before falling to the floor. 

"You're doing it wrong." I tell him. He turns to me and stares down at the knife. He hands the knife to me and I take it. "I've always found it easier to throw when you hold it by the tip of the blade instead of by the handle." I hang onto the very tip of the blade and put my arm back, ready to throw it. "You should also aim higher than your target because the knife will naturally start to dip down." I throw the knife with great force. It flies through the air and sticks right in the center of the board.
"Woah! That was cool as hell!" Ethan quickly picks up his last knife and holds it by the blade. He tries to do exactly what I did, but it still doesn't stick. He frowns. I stand from my chair and go and collect all ten of the knives on the floor.
"Practice makes perfect." I smile at him and hand him one of the knives. He smiles back and tosses it at the board, it sticking in close to the bottom. Ethan throws his arms in the air with such joy on his face.
"Got one!" I nod."Hey! That one was really good!" I cheer on Ethan as his knife lands in the top right corner of the board.
"What's all the noise about?" We both turn to see Blake coming down the stairs shirtless. His eyes land on both of us and he seems confused. "Are you two a thing or something?" He asks.
"No-uh, we-"
"Nah. I was just helping him with throwing knives." I cut off Ethan. Blake nods.
"Could you go get some water? I'd like to take a look at Ethan's wound." I stand and head for the door.
"It seems to be healing very nicely." I say and head out the door.

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