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"I wonder where Leo could be?" I open up the door to the study to see the lady walking around the room. I can see Leo's feet from behind the curtains. "He's just such a good hider." She turns towards me and immediately straightens her posture. "Oh! Y/n, is everything okay?" She asks.  I shake my head and smile at her.
"No! I just decided to come check on you two." I assure her. "Are you guys playing hide and seek?" The woman smiles and nods.
"Yes!" She walks towards the curtains. "And I think I know where our great hider is." She pulls back the curtain to reveal Leo standing there. "Gotcha!" Leo crosses his arms and pouts his lip.
"No fair!" I chuckle and approach the two.
"Why don't you go see how Ethan is doing?" Leo lets his arms drop to his side before smiling.
"Okay!" He rushes towards the door and throws it open, running for the living room.
"I never go your name?" I say as I take a seat on the desk towards the back of the room.
"Paula." She brushes her silvery-brown hair behind her ear.
"You seem really good with children." I watch as her smile drops. "Have any kids of your own?" Paula sighs and leans against the windowsill.
"I did." She looks to the floor.
"Did?" I raise an eyebrow at her even though I already know what that means.
"I had two. My girls are both gone though." Her hazel eyes look into mine. "Hila was killed during the beginning of all of this. Our house had collapsed and part of the ceiling fell on her and snapped her back in half. Yavan died not too long later. This was before I ran into Blake. We were running from a group of Cannies when we got cornered." She's holding back tears. "They attacked us and she was horribly injured. That's when Blake showed up and fought them off. Yavan didn't live through the night." I get up from the desk and walks over to Paula. I place my hand on her shoulder and slightly smile at her.
"I know how it feels to loose someone to this. Leo seems to like you so you can spend as much time as you want to while we're here." I remove her hand and see her smile.
"I would love to." Paula then heads for the door to go and join Leo. 

I sigh and lean back against the windowsill. I then turn to look out it. The forest looks so dark as the sun begins to set. I watch as Tyler and Mark help a few of the guys carry barrels inside. I can't help but wonder what's inside those barrels. 

"What's shakin' bacon?" I roll my eyes and swing around to face Blake. His blue eyes have a weird glint in them.
"What the hell do you want?" I ask. 
"Calm down darling. I want to show you something." He then turns and heads for the door. He's almost out the door when he looks back me. "You coming?" 

I grunt and follow Blake out the room. He leads me in the living room and goes for the suspicious stairs. I stop in front of the stair case, hesitating to go up. Blake stops and smiles at me. He holds out his hand to me. Deciding to be nice to the guy for once I smile back and take his hand, letting him lead me up the stairs. Once at the top I pull my hand away.

"What is it you wanted to show me?" Blake ignores me and continues down a short hall. "Hello?" We enter a small bedroom and he takes a seat on the bed. "If you don't answer then I'll just leave." Blake smirks.
"I just want to talk." He says.
"Talk? So you lied. This talk is already going great." Blake pats the spot next to him. I shake my head. "Not in your fucking dreams." Blake sighs.
"Fine. T has informed me that you guys will be spending the night here with us." I nod. "I'm glad to hear that. I wanted to offer you to share my room." He holds up his arms as if to say that the room we're in is his.
"Not in your wildest dreams." I chuckle. "Where are you trying to suggest that Leo will sleep? The floor somewhere?" Blake shakes his head and stands from the bed. 
"There's another bed that can be pulled out from under this one." I shake my head. 
"Blake, I'm not spending the night with you." He shrugs.
"Your loss." Blake says as he exits the room.

I sigh and look around the room. I see a door that leads to a bathroom. I enter the bathroom and look in the mirror. I am an absolute mess. My hair is all out of place, there's dirt on my face, a bit of blood on my cheek, and dirt on my collar bone. I turn on the faucet to see water spew out. 

What the? How is there water in here but down stairs?

I put my hands under the water and begin to wash my face. After all the dirt is gone, I comb my hair with my fingers and use some water to hold it down. I then take off my shirt so I can have better access to my collarbone. My hands covered in water, scrub my collar bone and chest. The dirt slowly disappears until my chest is red from all the scrubbing. I shut off the faucet and look back up in the mirror. I look way better than before. I half smile and head out the bathroom with my shirt in hand.

"Crap." I whisper as I look down to see that there's a spot of something on it. I try to wipe it off as I head down the hall and towards the stairs. The weird liquid soaks into the shirt and I groan. "You've gotta be kidding me." I exhale loudly and put my shirt back on as I head down the stairs. By the time I've reached the bottom I'm pulling it fully down. "Hey we-" I cut myself off as I see Ethan staring at me. He seems a little sad, but it's probably his fever making his eyes droopy. "What're you doing awake?" I head over to him. "And where's everyone else?" I look around to see no one.
"I'm uh, waiting for T's homemade sleeping medicine to kick in." I nod. "And everyone else is out back doing something with tulips." I raise an eyebrow as Ethan rolls to face away from me.
"Are you feeling okay?" His usual bubbly self has turned sour.
"I'm fine." I nod to myself and head for the front door.
"Well Ima go check out what the hell the tulips are for. Will you be okay alone?" He doesn't respond. "Goodnight Ethan." I half smile and exit the house as the night begins to engulf the world.

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