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"Stay still." T tells Ethan as she cuts off the leg of his pants. The wound is bleeding pretty badly. "This is gonna hurt so count to three." Ethan nods and grips onto either side of the mat he's on tightly.
"One...two-" Before he can say three she rips the arrow from his leg. He manages to hold in his scream, gritting his teeth.
"How bad is it?" Mark asks as The begins to clean up his wound.
"Doesn't seem like it went too deep. If he were wearing anything but jeans then it may have hit the bone." They all sigh while I just lean back in the old chair I'm on.
"When will he be able to leave with us?" Tyler takes a seat down next to Mark.
"Right away, but I'd advise you to stay here and let him rest for a day or two. Don't want the thing to get infected." She tells them. She then looks up at Amy, who's standing by Mark. "Would you like to help me find some herbs in the forest?" Amy doesn't seem so sure by the look on her face.
"Sure." T then stands up and heads for the door. As Amy follows I see her pat her leg to make sure she has her knife handy.
"You two think you could help us lift some stuff out back?" A man approaches Mark and Tyler who sit by Ethan's side.
"Uh, sure." Tyler stand while Mark looks to Ethan.
"Go." Ethan tells him with sweat pouting down his face. Mark smiles sadly and follows them towards the back door.

Now it's just me and Ethan. Leo is in the kitchen with the dogs. The lady in there with him seems to be trust worthy. Possibly she had her own kids before. I take a glance into the kitchen to see Leo and her laughing together. I sigh and stare up at the ceiling.

"Not gonna talk to me?" Ethan's voice calls out to me. I roll my eyes and look at him. His face is drenched. I raise an eyebrow.
"You feeling warm?" I stand up and walk towards him. Once there I bend down.
"No, I feel f-" I place the back of my hand on his forehead and frown.
"You've got a fever." I stand back up and turn away.
"Where are you going!?" He shouts after me.
"To see if this place has running water!"

I go into the kitchen and see that the lady and Leo have left. This bothers me until I hear their laughter coming from a different room in the ground floor. I sigh with relief and decide that after I help out Ethan a bit I'll go check on Leo. My legs make long strides to the sink that looks like it hasn't been cleaned in about a decade. As I reach out to turn on the sink I hear someone enter the kitchen.

"It doesn't work." Blake tells me.

I ignore him and try anyways. I can't help but cringe as I touch the disgusting faucet and try to turn it on. Nothing happens. I'm quick to pull my hand back and face Blake. He has this smug look on his face that makes me wanna wipe it off.

"There's a well on the side of the house if you really want water." He says. I take a deep breath in and walk past him and out the kitchen. "Oh come on!" He jogs after me as I pass Ethan and head for the front door. "You don't even know what side it's on gorgeous." I stop right in front on the door and glance over my shoulder at him.
"What do you want?" I ask.
"To be around ya' cutie." I roll my eyes and throw open the door.
"Just show me." Blake leads me to the left side of the house where the well is. I look down and frown. "There's no water." I look back up to see Blake over by a water pump.
"Watch." He pumps it a few times and suddenly I hear water rushing into the well. My eyes follow the sound to see water pouring into the well.
"Is it clean?" I ask. Blake nods and stands next to me.
"As clean as the beautiful lips it's about to touch." I scoff and drop the bucket into the well. I begin to pull it back up when I realize I don't have a cloth.
"Have any cloths?" He shakes his head.
"No can do." I shrug and haul the bucket out the well. As I try to do so, Blake takes it from me and sets it on the edge.
"Zero fabrics?" I want to make sure he isn't just messing with me.
"I may be able to find something if you maybe take off your top."

I glance down at my shirt. It's  pretty shitty looking. I then lift up the bottom of it to see that the tank top I have on under is clean. I pull off my t-shirt and wrap it around the buckets handle so it won't dig into my hand

"Aw come on! Don't tease me like that!" He pouts.

I enter the house and bring the bucket next to Ethan's head. He seems confused as I sit down on the floor next to him.

"The water was for that loser?" Blake groans to himself as he goes into a different room with a sadness around him.
"You got me water?" I cup my hands together and fill them with water. I then bring my hands up to Ethan's mouth.
"Drink." He hesitates, but does as I ask.

I do this a few more times until I decide to finally get the cloth to put on Ethan's head. I stand up and look all around. No one is in the living room expect Ethan and I. I glance into the kitchen to see there's two guys in there talking about something. I turn to the stairs and they seem like they'll break under your feet if you tried to climb them.

I know Leo and that lady are in the..study I think they called it. Blake must of went into the last room on this floor. Crap. It's just Ethan. I guess I'll just do it here.

"What are you looking for?"

I gotta hurry before the water gets too warm or someone else comes in.

"Y/n? Is some-"

I take off my tank top leaving me in only my bra. I face Ethan once more to see his whole face has gotten red from his fever. His eyes quickly dart away.

"W-why did you take your shirt off?" He questions with a slight stutter. I take my t-shirt off the handle and put it on. Next, I dunk my tank top into the water.
"Lay down." I demand. He does so. I ring out the shirt a bit before placing it over his forehead. "If it gets warm then ask someone to dunk it again for you." The door opens and in walks T and Amy.
"T said she knows how to make something to help you sleep a bit better." Amy comes over and sets some plants on a nearby table. I can tell she looks confused by the shirt in his head and his red face.
"He has a fever." I say and head down the small hall.
"That's not good." Is all I hear T say before I enter the study.

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