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If any of you like to sing then please DM me by Monday June 1st. You don't have to be good at all. All I need is people who enjoy singing or would like to sing.
Thank you.



I walk around the house to the back where I can hear quiet chatter. As I round the corner I see Amy, Paula, and one of the guys digging small holes in the ground. They seem to be evenly spaced. Amy waves and smiles at me as I walk over to where everyone else is. Mark, Tyler, Blake, T, and a few others stand in a small group. 

"What's with the holes?" I ask, getting everyone's attention.
"Apparently Morts don't like the smell of tulips, so we're burying them around the property very far away from one another." I look to Blake for a better explanation, but one of the other guys starts talking.
"They don't like the smell but they aren't stupid. If they're too close to one another then they'll get suspicious and come investigate. We just have to put enough so they don't want to come in this direction."  I still can't help but be confused. "I'm Kyle by the way."
"How did you guys figure this out?" A guy with a buzzed head steps forward.
"We had a friend who turned into a Cannie and they started to freak out when they smelled the tulips in the garden by the house we were staying in." He says. "We've been able to test this theory since and it seems to be mostly true." I nod. 
"And you are?" I ask.
"Jacob." I glace at the others.
"So are you telling me those barrels are full of tulips?" I point to the barrels behind them.
"Only one is. If they all were then we'd attract the attention of a lot of Cannies." A girl who I know is named Fiona tells me.
"Guys!" We all turn to see Amy coming our way. "All the holes have been dug around the house. We're ready to put in the dead tulips." Blake nods. 
"Take Mark and Jacob to help you guys fills them." Blake says. "Kyle, why don't you go take the kid up to one of the bedrooms with the dogs." Kyle nods and goes over to Leo who was sitting in the grass and petting Luna. He helps him up and then leads him back towards the front of the house with Luna and Chica following. "Fiona, could you go get a bucket of water so everyone can have something to drink before going to sleep?" Fiona turns and heads for the opposite side of the house. "Tyler and T, you can go get some food together for when everyone heads inside." The two then also go, leaving Blake and I alone.
"What do you need me to do?" I ask.
"To stay with me and look pretty." I roll my eyes and take a seat on one of the barrels.
"Are you gonna give that up at some point?" He shakes his head. "Well then at least tell me more about yourself. Like how did you get that scar?" Blake sits on the ground in front of me. Once he's comfortable he touches the scar.
"It actually wasn't from a Cannie, surprisingly." He mumbles the last part. "It happened right when this first started."


"I lived in San Francisco at the time."

I wave hi to Sharon as I head over to my line. I stand in front of the register and put on my hat with the name of the store on it. I then flip a switch to show that my line is open for people to come through. Almost immediately a woman enters my line with a few items for me to scan.

"I was working in a small grocery store and had just started my shift."
"You worked in a grocery store?"
"Stop laughing! You wanted to know the story so shut up and listen."
"Okay, okay. Continue."

"How's it going Dorthy?" I push the button so her items come towards me. I then begin to scan her things.
"I'm doing great Blake. Just picking up some things since the family is coming over for Thanksgiving on Thursday." I smile and bag her things.
"Well that's great!" I hand her one of the bags.
"What about you? What are you doing for Thanksgiving?" I shake my head.
"Just gonna be at home. My family doesn't really celebrate these things." Dorthy frowns.
"Maybe you should stop by my house and eat with us. We'd love to have you." She suggests.
"I wouldn't want to intrude on your family's get together." I hand her her final bag.
"Oh," She shakes her hand at me. "We wouldn't mind." I smile.
"Alright. Maybe I will then."

Dorthy pays and I hand her back her change. She waves and starts to walk away when suddenly the large window to the left of me smashes. My eyes widen as I turn to see three people jump through the window with weapons in their hands. The two mean split up, one coming at me and one going towards Sharon. The woman goes for Dorthy. The man who comes up to me points a large knife at me as he speaks.

"I want you to give me the key to the safe." I chuckle. 
"You're funny. You broke the window which triggered the security system." I say. "They cops will be here any second." A slight smirk spreads over my face.
"No they wont." He tells me.
"And why is that?" I ask.
"Because the world has gone to shit." He gestures to the broken window. I look out to see that there's people running down the street. I suddenly can here them screaming. "There's psychos eating people in the middle of the street!" I watch as a man tackles a woman and bites into her neck.
"What the fuck!" I jump back against the register.
"So give me the key to the safe and if you don't, I have no problem killing you for it." I look the man in the eye. I can tell that he wont kill me.
"Over my dead body fucker." 

The man growls and slashes at me. His blade makes a large and deep cut that goes from the left side of my face by my eye to next to my mouth. I hiss and stumble back. I put my hand up and touch my face, bringing it back in front of me with blood on it. Letting my hand drop to my side, I look up at the man with a scowl on my face. I push myself off the cash register so I'm right in front of him once more.

"I told you not to play with me boy." I roll my eyes. and hold up my hands.
"Let's fucking dance then." The man chuckles and puts up his hands with his knife gripped tightly in one.
"Alright then."


"So?" I wait for him to continue on, but he says no more.
"So what?" He asks.
"So how did the fight turn out?" Blake stands up and get really close to me. I look up at him and wait for him to answer.
"You'll have to kiss me if you want the answer."

I exhale, showing my annoyance. Now I'm almost nose-to-nose with Blake. I can see the smile grow on his face. I get on my toes and lean in so my lips are close to his. I watch as his eyes close and he awaits our mouths to meet. I smirk and drop my heels back on the ground and push past him.

"I'm okay with not knowing the end." I start to walk back around the house when I hear a groan and footsteps behind me.
"You're such a tease." He says. "I like that in a woman." I roll my eyes and go up on the porch.
"I think everyone already headed inside to eat. We should really catch up." I jog in the house to see that Ethan is fast asleep on his little mat. "Why don't you head in the kitchen. I wanna get something from my bag."

Blake nods and heads for the kitchen without me. I go over to my bag that's by Ethan and open it up. I open it up and pull out a light blanket. Then look back at Ethan who is lying there with only his clothes to keep him warm in this chilly house. I myself even shiver from the cold air. I place my hand over his head to see if he still has a fever. It seems to have gone down quite a bit. Taking the blanket, I cover Ethan with the blanket and tuck it under him to keep in his warmth. After he seems to be comfy, I step back. A small smile appears on his sleeping face and he cuddles into the extra blanket. I smile and head for the kitchen to get some food.

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