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Y/n suddenly pops up in doorway of the shed. She knocks on the open door before speaking.
"I hope I'm not interrupting anything."Tyler shakes his head.
"Nope, we're just enjoying the peace and quiet while we have it."She nods.
"Well I'm going to be on my way again. I hope you don't mind me taking a few canned goods with me." She says.
"What?" I ask.
"You shouldn't be going out there with bandits and Cannies walking around. They get more active around this time of day." Tyler tells her. She only rolls her eyes.
"Thanks dad, but I've been taking care of us for a good year now. I think I'll be fine." Y/n then turns around and starts to walk away with Leo and Luna close behind.
"You think you'll be fine." I mumble.She stops dead in her tracks.I guess I must have mumbled a bit loudly. She spins around to face is again really quickly.
"I know I'll be fine." She says.
"Y/n, just stay with us and we can travel to Washington with you." Tyler tells her. She shakes her head.

"I don't do groups." She says. "The last group robbed me of my worth and then took off."
"We won't do that. We're good people who just don't want to see someone like you getting hurt." Tyler interjects.
"Someone like me?" She questions, obviously confused. I'm honestly confused too on what he means by that.
"We've seen too many nice people and children die. If you die, it'll hurt us knowing that we could have helped." Y/n angrily crosses her arms.
"Lee." The small boy turns to her.
"Do you want us to stay with these people for a bit?" She asks. Leo doesn't even hesitate to say,
"Yes!" She sighs.
"Fine, only because Lee says so." I stand up and smile at her.
"I'm glad." She rolls her eyes again.
"But only if we leave now." Tyler and I look at each other.
"That's up to Mark." I say. She nods and heads over to the couple who are now laying in the grass, looking at clouds.


I walk over to Asian dude and Amy, who are laying in the grass.
"I'll stay." I say. Mark quickly sits up.
"Wait, really?" He asks.
"Only if we leave soon." He looks down at Amy who shrugs before sitting up.
"I'm fine with that as long as we can find another place before tonight."
They stand and wave the other two guys over.
"I'm pretty sure there's another house five miles in the direction I was originally walking in." I say.
"So we're going?" Tyler asks as him and Ethan join us.
"We should get there in about a hour and a half or so." I continue, completely ignoring his question.
"Sounds like a plan." Mark says. "Let's get packing up."

- - -

It doesn't take long for everyone to pack up. Lee and I end up finding two small bags in a closet in which we fill with a few canned goods and a water bottle each. We all sit in the livingroom as we wait for Amy and Mark to finish doing a quick sweep of the house to make sure we got everything.

"So Y/n." I turn to Tyler as he says my name. "Where are you and Leo from?"
I look down at the brown haired boy and mess with his hair a bit.
"A couple cities over." I say. "You?" Tyler stops to think for a moment.
"Well if you mean where I lived before all this happened, then L.A." He tells me. I nod.
"And you?" I ask, turning to Ethan. He looks back at me startled.
"I was living in L.A. also. We all were." He says.
"So I'm guessing you all knew each other before this happened then." I say more as a statement than a question. Ethan opens his mouth to say something when:
"Okay." Mark cuts him off before he can even begun to speak. "We're ready to go, but we should hurry cause night is falling fast." We all get up.
"Come here Lee." I say, bending down to pick the small boy up. "You're probably really tired from all the walking we already did today." I point out. He shakes his head.
"Y/n," He yawns. "I'm fine." I chuckle and roll my eyes.
"Sure you are."

With that we all head out the house together and head back in the same direction that Lee and I were already walking in before.

- - -

We're walking for so long at a very slow pace. Lee has long since fallen asleep on my back. The rest of us are starting to feel tired ourselves as the sky starts to change colors.

"I thought you said there was a house up here." Mark whispers as he falls back to walk next to me.
"There is, but I dont think we'll make it there tonight." I say. "I could have sworn it was closer though." I more so add as an aloud thought.
"Well then I guess we'll have to make camp in some bushes." I nod in agreement.
"Guys," Mark whisper yells. "We're gonna make camp in that large group of bushes up there. We'll get to the house in the morning."

No one fights against because they're all too tired to keep going. I take the lead and start to push away branches when;


I turn to the others behind me to see Tyler pointing in the sky. My gaze follows where he's pointing and once I see what he's talking about, my heart drops.

"Fire?" Amy questions, confused. "Who would be stupid enough to make a campfire during times like these?" She asks no one in particular.
"Maybe it's a Mort cérébrale." Tyler suggests.
"No, they like to stay in houses. Fire would give away their position." I say.

Behind me I hear something hit the ground. All in one quick motion I pull out my gun and turn around, pointing at where I heard the sound coming from. There on the ground is Ethan.

"Ethan?" I say, putting my gun away.
He groans in response. Slowly I make my way over to him and lean down. "You alright?" I ask.
"Yeah, just super tired. I think I'm gonna pass out." I turn to look at everyone else. I sigh taking sleeping Lee off my back.
"You stay in the bushes with Lee and Amy. Mark, Tyler, and I will go check out the fire." I say. Ethan opens his mouth to protest, but I interrupt him before he can. "We'll be fine." He then takes Lee as Amy helps him up into the bushes.
"Be careful guys." Amy tells us.
"We will." Mark says and we head, slowly, toward the mysterious smoke.

It doesn't take us long to reach the site where the fire is. When we start to catch glances of the fire, we hide more carefully in bushes so if anyone is there they can't see us.
Peaking my head over the bush I see no one there. What I do see though makes me gasp.

"What is it?" Mark asks, concerned
"Those are mine and Lee's bags over there!" I whisper, pointing next to what looks to be a sleeping space for someone.
"Is there anyone over there?" Tyler asks as he pops up his head to look around.
"I didn't see anyone." I tell them. Tyler nods in agreement.
"I don't see anyone either."

We all stand and get a better look at the area. It's a small clearing and in the middle lies the dying campfire we see from far away. Next to it is a thin blanket spread out with a jacket balled up on one end. Beside the blanket is where my backpacks are.
A smile arises on my face. Quickly I look around once more to make sure no one else is around before sprinting over to the bags with Mark and Tyler on my tail.

"Yes!" I silently cheer as I lean down and grab hold of the large bags.

They still feel as heavy as when they got stolen from us. As I'm standing fully back up, my eyes widen with fear. I immediately freeze in place and almost drop both bags.

"Wh-..What is it?" Mark asks, out of breath after just reaching me.
"I-It's-" I cut myself off and shakily point up at the tree ahead of us.

There, a man is hanging from one of the larger branches. His blood slowly drips and drains out of his cut off feet and into a bucket below him.

"Shit." Mark mumbles.
"Shit indeed." I reply.

I recognize the hanging man as the person who had robbed us. A hand land on my shoulder, causing me to flinch.

"Y/n, we need to get the fuck out of here." Tyler says.

Snapping out of my trance, I nod and throw both of the heavy bags over my shoulders; sprinting off into the night with Mark and Tyler.

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