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My friend and I have decided to try and create a book. This book would feature stories from people in the LGBTQ+ community!!
If you would like to have your story be a part of this then please pm me!!
Your story can be about anything that you have experienced through being a part of the community. If you're a supporter of the community then you can submit a story of things you've seen or heard. It can be anywhere from 300 words to 1,500 words long!!
Your story should be from the heart and it doesn't have to be happy. I want you to share the truth and nothing less. Tell me about your pain or your happiness. Share everything!!

Remember to pm me for more details!!




"So Mark," Blake gets his attention off his food and on to him. "I'm curious about your group. How'd y'all meet?" Mark chuckles.
"Well we've all been friends for a while except when it comes to Y/n." I glance over at the two. "We met her not too long ago but she's quickly become one of us." I hear some whispers from behind me and just decide to ignore it. I'm quick to pay attention to Mark and Blake once more.
"Really? You just let her into your group just like that?" Blake questions. "I mean I'd let her join, but only because I think she's hot as hell. It doesn't seem like any of you are interested in her like that." I can see Mark roll his eyes.
"We knew she wouldn't hurt us after she saw we weren't a threat. She also actually wanted nothing to do with us. She left not too long after meeting us but came back because all her shit got stolen." Blake looks my way.
"Ah, so you guys are letting her use you because she has a kid with her."Ethan takes a seat next to me. I look to him a bit confused.
"Shouldn't you be laying down?" I ask. I hear a chuckle and look to see T getting a bowl of last nights stew.
"He's fine. He may even be able to leave tomorrow morning if he has no complications throughout the day." I nod.
"That's good." 
"She's not using us. If anything we're using her." Mark replies to Blake's comment.
"And how is that?" He sounds so condescending.
"She caught a deer and spent so much time cutting it up and cooking it slowly. If not for her Ethan may have even been killed by one of your people. She pulled him back in the forest while your people shot at her." Blake shrugs.
"It seems like we're seeing two different people." Blake faces me and looks right into my eyes as he speaks his next words. "Cause the girl I see is gonna leave you guys the first chance she gets." I make sure my face stays blank as he says that. 
"How would you even know that? We may have not known her long, but we have definitely known her longer than you have." Ethan butts in. Blake laughs.
"I know her type." I keep my mouth shut. 
"Her type?" Tyler enters the room. "What exactly is that supposed to mean?" T rolls her eyes and leaves while Tyler comes up to the island.
"She's reserved, quiet, you never see her smile," He continues to stare right at me. I stare back as I pick up my glass and take a long sip of water. "She makes you feel bad for her. The things is though that you're gonna wake up one day with all of your valuables and her gone. She may even drop that kid on you. I doubt that's even her real brother." I set down my glass and chuckle. "What's so funny? Trying to hide the fact that you're angry about me cracking your code?" I shake my head and smirk.
"I won't deny the fact that I've for sure screwed over groups of people since this shit went down." I stand up and bring my glass over to the sink. "But I can assure you that every person whose life I have ruined deserved it." I turn to see everyone a bit shocked. I scoff and head for the stairs. "Oh and Leo is my brother. Even if he wasn't I can assure you that I wouldn't just leave him with some strangers. I'm an asshole but I'm not a monster." And with that I head upstairs.

He does have something right though. I am going to leave them. They seem to be very good people though so I wont fuck them. I've been trying to stop doing that to people anyways.

I head down the hallway and stop at the room that I know Lee is staying in with Paula. I open the door to see Paula reading a book as Lee snuggles under a thin blanket. I slightly smile before turning my attention to Paula. She looks up from her book and smiles at me and stands from her chair, setting the book in it.

"What were you reading?" I ask. 
"Something called The Lonely Hearts Hotel. There's some sexual scenes that are not my taste, but the story itself is good." She tells me.
"I think my friend got me that book for my seventh birthday but I never got the chance to read it." Paula suddenly looks all giddy.
"Oh it's so good! It's about two orphans who grew up together during the Great Depression." I nod. "You've got the read it! Here you can have my copy actually." She picks up the book and tries to hand it to me. I quickly shake my head and push it back towards her.
"I can't take it from you. You really seem to enjoy it and I doubt you can carry many books with you when traveling." Paula hands it to me once more.
"Nonsense! Besides, I've already read it four times." I push it back once more.
"That's alright. I just came up here to get Lee for breakfast anyways." Paula slightly frowns and nods.

I then go over to the bed and lightly shake Lee. He mumbles and rolls on his other side. I shake him once more and he sighs, slowly getting up. The boy wipes the sleep from his eyes and yawns as he gets up and picks up his bag from the side of the bed. I open up the door so when can head downstairs and watch as he smiles and waves to Paula before leaving. I also wave bye and we head back downstairs together.

"What's going on little dude." Amy says to Lee as we walk in the kitchen.
"Still tired." He yawns.
"Well maybe Y/n will let you take a nap later." He then looks up at me with a look of anticipation on his face.
"You just woke up you dork. We'll worry about that later." He smiles.
"I'll take that as a maybe!" He then heads over to get a bowl of stew from Fiona. I take a quick glance around to see that Blake and Tyler have left.
"They went out to check the area for Cannies with Jacob." Mark tells me. "In a bit Amy and I are gonna go look for berries or something. Don't exactly want to use our guns to hunt." He laughs.
"Well I've got a bow." I say. "I could go hunt." 
"You have a bow? How the hell have you been hiding that this whole time?" Amy chuckles. 
"It's a compact bow so that means it can be folded to take up less space. I found it a year back when we stayed in a hunters house." I say.
"Can I come with?" Ethan asks. I glance down at his leg and then back up at his face.
"I don't know.." I trail off.
"If I can do this then it'll show that we can leave tomorrow. Please! I promise to be good!!" He sounds like a child now. I sigh.
"Fine, but Lee and Damien are coming with." Damien enters the room just as I say that.
"I'm going where now?" He asks. I turn around to see him holding a pistol in his hand.
"Wanna hunt?" He doesn't even hesitate.
"Hell yeah! I told Blake that my bow would come in handy." He smiles widely and runs out the room. He soon comes back with a bow in hand. 
"Well then, lets head out."

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