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Hey everyone!! I hope school isn't so bad for you whether you're doing online, fully back to school, or doing a hybrid. I know that this year is going to be hard for everyone so I hope this story will bring you some relaxation during these hard times.
Please enjoy this chapter and let me know how school is going. I started last week and so far it's a drag. I do like that I can eat during my classes though.

-Also I'm sorry this was posted so late :(
I've been meaning to post it for the last two days and because of school kept forgetting



My eyes fly open but my vision remains blurry as I sit up, hyperventilating. I swing my fists through the air and feel my right fist collide with someones face. I continue to swing until someone grabs onto my hands to stop me. I try to fight back but am too weak to be able to pull my arms away.
"Woah! Calm down Y/n, it's just us!!" My vision clears and I see that Ethan is leaning down in front of me. His hands grip my wrists. My eyes widen as I see blood dripping from his nose. He smiles.
"I'm so sorry!" I apologize. He raises an eyebrow at me before letting go of my wrists and reaching up to his face. He wipes the blood and looks at his hand.
"Oh that's fine." He chuckles.
"No it isn't!!" Other people begin to laugh and that's when I notice that we're back at the house. I look around to see that everyone is sitting around us. I then notice that I'm lying on the couch. Ethan smiles at me and takes a step back and sits down in the only open chair in the room. "What happened?" I ask. Damien laughs as he walks over.
"Shouldn't we be asking you that? We found you passed out on the ground. After flipping a damn lid we rushed you back." I shake my head.
"That doesn't make sense..." The front door then flies open.
"Y/N!!!!" Leo rushes through the door way and over to me. He wastes zero time and jumps on me and hugs me tightly.
"So what did happen?" Amy questions as she walks over and hands me a glass of water. I take it from her and thank her before downing the the whole things.
"I...I was walking around when my legs got spurts of pain. I then fell and couldn't get back up." T leans forward in her chair to show that she's interested in everything I have to say. "Then....a...a man? appeared. I thought he may be a Cannie but he didn't even try to eat me or do anything to me." I look over to see Blake leaning against the doorway to the kitchen. "He just sat down by my face and talked to me. He knew my name and everything." Fiona shakes her head.
"T, is there a possibility that she began to hallucinate and pass out due to dehydration?" Fiona asks. T makes a funny face to indicate that she doesn't think that's the case.
"It's possible. Can you describe the man?' She asks me. I nod.
"He was wearing a black suit. He was quite tall with pitch black hair, red eyes, and a psychotic feel about him." I can't help but notice as her posture changes and she suddenly seems closed off.
"A suit? It was more than likely a hallucination." T gets up and heads for the stairs.
"But I wasn't dehydrated!" I tell her. She shakes her head.
"Just make sure you drink enough water before going out next time!!" She completely ignores me and is then gone.
"Alright everyone, back to work!" Blake shouts. They all quickly jump up from their seats and exit the room except for Blake. "You take it easy. Why don't you go out to the pump and get yourself some more water. You could probably also use the air." He says and leaves too. I can't help but feel confused. 

Was I really hallucinating? That doesn't feel right though.

A sigh leaves my mouth as I stand from the couch.  I'm about to exit the house when Ethan stops me.
"Why don't I come with. The two of us could go collect some berries." I nod and walk out the door. The two of us walk around the house and over to the pump. I get the two of us a cup of water and we take a seat, sipping the cool liquid. "So you really saw a man, huh?" He asks, looking out towards the woods.
"I'm not even sure at this point. I do understand how completely insane what I said sounded." Ethan chuckles.
"You're not wrong. I really don't think you were dehydrated though. We had so much to eat and drink before we even left." He shakes his head. "Maybe you did see a man but he hit you over the head or something. The rest could have been what your mind made up." I drink the rest of my water and set the cup down next to the pump. I then stand up and brush myself off.
"Well it doesn't matter at this point. Let's go get some berries." 

The two of us walk to the edge of the forest and only walk in a foot or two. Quite a bit of berry bushes line the front of the forest as if the old owners of this house had planted them here for easy access. I make sure to study the berries for a good minute before deciding that they're blueberries. I also saw some in the house so I know that here is where they must have gotten them from. The two of us fill Ethan's mug with blueberries. It's quiet for a bit, but then Ethan breaks the silence.

"So how do you feel about leaving tonight?" Ethan suggests. I stop what I'm doing to take a look at his leg.
"What about your leg? How is it doing?" I ask. He follows my gaze and shrugs.
"It' weird, I almost don't even feel any pain at all. T really seems to be a miracle worker." He smiles. "Mark and I were also talking about how we're not really into Blake. Apparently he's been making Amy feel quite uncomfortable by staring at her all the time." I shake my head.
"Yeah, I don't like him much either." I scrunch my face.
"Great, I'll let Mark know when we get back.  We could try and leave tonight so we have the cover of the dark while we walk." I nod a few times.
"Sounds good to me." I say. "Let's get the fuck outta here."

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