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I make my way over to the solar oven as everyone else talks among themselves. I ended up letting Leo sleep for a while. He really seemed exhausted.

Then again, who isn't exhausted nowadays.

I lean down and open up the solar oven to see the food. You can tell that the outside is cooked well, but I'll have to cut open one of the cubes to make sure it's cooked all the way through.

The last thing I need is for one of them to get food poisoning and possibly die. They'd definitely kill me then.

I take one of the cubes in between my thumb and forefinger. Juice drips own my hand as I lift it up. In one quick swipe of my knife, the cube is cut open to reveal it's cooked all the way through. I half smile to myself before throwing the meat into my mouth. It tastes pretty good too for having zero seasoning.

"So what's the state?" Ethan throws his arm around my shoulders as he comes to my side. I quickly shrug him off and puck up the box.
"Let's hand out some food Glasses."

The two of us head over to the others who sit in a small circle. They're whispering about something, yet what I'm not sure of. I open my mouth to gain their attention, but Ethan quickly shakes his head at me. I raise an eyebrow as he pulls me away from them.

"What are y-"
"I got a fun plan." Before I can even ask again he picks up a cube of the deer and tosses it into his mouth. "Wow!" He shouts as he chews. "This is sooo good Y/n!" I can see everyone looking at us from over Ethan's shoulder. "You were right! There is no way I could ever share any of this with them."

My eyes widen as my focus shifts back onto him. He's staring at me with eyes that say, 'go with it'. Rolling my eyes, I do.

"I told you! I'm never wrong." I pretend to schove a whole handful of food into my mouth.
"We were up all night so it's obvious that we deserve this."

Suddenly Ethan is pulled back hard. I can see genuine fear in his eyes as he reaches out for me. I don't grab his hand or try to help him in any way. In an instant Ethan is replaced by Mark.

"You're funny if you think I did all that work just for the two of you to eat everything." I chuckle and lightly smack his arm.
"We're just messing with you. Lighten up." And with that I head over to the others to distribute the food.

We sit around talking to one another for much longer than originally intended. I try to stay out of the conversation, but am soon dragged in by Mark.

"Why don't you tell us a bit more about yourself Y/n?" I chuckle and shale my head.
"I'm good." I wave him off.
"Oh come on," Amy smiles. "How about your life before all of this?" I sigh.

Don't share too much. Only small and non important details. No attachments.

"I was in school." I tell them and pop a cube of deer into my mouth.
"School? Like college, right?" Tyler asks. I shake my head. "So high school?" I nod.
"How old are you then?" Ethan looks slightly puzzled.
"Twenty." I reply. "I didn't even get the chance to finish high school before my neighborhood was covered with Cannies." I say. "What about you guys?"
"Well I worked in entertainment. I was just talking off in acting when this happened." Mark tells me.
"I worked at a salon in Hollywood so Mark and I could see one another on our breaks." Amy reminisces.
"I had just recently moved to Hollywood to help Mark with some projects he wanted to do. Not only was he an actor, but he was working towards directing too." Tyler then focuses on Ethan.
"And as you know I was going to school for film. I also wanted to be a director. I met Mark when he posted an ad looking for those with film experience." I nod.
"Well Leo was only five when this started. He didn't really know much about our world." Amy seems saddened by this.
"Such a bummer a sweet kid like him has gotta grow up during something like this." I sigh and stand.
"We should get moving. We've already wasted half the day. Leaving now would mean making it to the house by around five."

Everyone gets up and we gather our things. I toss a few pieces of deer to Luna and Chica before heading into the bush. In there I grab both mine and Lee's bags and exit. I throw my bag over my shoulder and go to hand Lee his when I see he's over with Ethan. I watch as Ethan teaches Leo how to wrap the left over meat properly. Leo tries to copy Ethan's work but seems to not really get it right. I chuckle and walk over.

"Let's get a move on boys." I drop Leo's bag next to him and head over to join the others.
"Which direction?" Tyler asks as he holds a compass in hand.
"Southeast." I tell him. "If we walk at a fast pace it shouldn't take too long."
"Then what are we waiting for? Let's get a move on." Ethan repeats what I said a few moments ago. I just roll my eyes and walk jog to catch up with Tyler.
"Come Luna!" Luna runs over and walks at a steady pace by my side.

You really need to break away from these people as soon as possible. Let's just ride it out for now and plan later. I'll leave when the time is right.

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