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My eyes feel like they weight a million pounds. They keep trying to close, but I won't let them.I need to stay awake and keep and eye out for Mark, Tyler, and Y/n. I also have to make sure no one creeps up on Ethan, Leo, or I. Turning to my left a small smile appears on my face. Ethan is fast asleep with Leo in his arms. They look so adorable. I blink almost for too long and have to pinch myself to make my eyes open back up.

"Just a bit longer." I mumble to myself.

They've been gone for quite a bit, but I have no doubt that they can handle themselves. Especially Y/n; her and Leo were alone before we came along.
I slightly shiver as the wind starts to pick up. A warmth then envelopes my legs. Shifting my gaze to my lower body, I see Chica has decided to lay down on me.
pupo." I whisper, giving her a pat on the head.

Turning back to the two sleeping boys, I now notice that Luna is curled up on Ethan also.

At least I know they're warm.

Sleep begs me to let it take over, but still I deny. The leaves brushing against my face causes an involuntary shiver to run down my spinal cord.

"Where are they?" I ask myself.

That's when I hear the crunching of dry dirt under someone's foot.
I jump and pull my knife out from my small bag. Leaning forward I prepare to attack whoever discovers that I'm here. The leaves around me start to move, startling me because it wasn't a gust of wind that did it. Heart pounding in my chest, I hold the knife far out in front of me so that it slices any one that reaches their body through the wall of leaves. I can't think straight as the moving of leaves continues. My eyes water.

This is it. I'm going to die. I'm never going to see Mark again.

Tears cascade down my cheeks and soak my shirt. Closing my eyes I whisper to myself as I ready myself for the monster that comes through,

"I love you Mark." There's more rustling and then,

I love you too Amy." My eyes open to see Mark standing in front of my knife with a large grin on his face.
"Mark you ass!" I whisper yell, throwing my knife beside me.
"What?" He asks confused.
"I thought you were a Mort cérébrale!" He chuckles and takes a seat next to me.
"Hey guys." Tyler greets as he enters the bush and sits across from Mark.
Y/n doesn't say anything as she enters and sits down right next to the two sleeping figures. "We found their stuff." Tyler gestures to Y/n and the sleeping kid. "But we also found the man who took it too." He frowns.
"What do you mean?" I ask, confused.
"I'll spare you the details, but he was hanging from a tree. Definitely the job of a Mort cérébrale." Mark says. I nod. "Well get some sleep." Mark tells me while kissing my forehead. "I'll take first watch tonight." Y/n just shakes her head.
"Nonsense, I'll take first watch." Fear raises in me.

I don't think she'd kill us in our sleep cause she's had many chances to kill us. Still, I get a weird vibe from her.

"I can't let you do that." Mark says.
"I insist. If it makes you feel any better, I'll wake you in about an hour."

Mark looks lime he wants to say something else, but doesn't. Reluctantly, Mark agrees to her offer and lays down next to me. My eyes begin to feel heavy and this time I don't deny sleep it's wish. Leaning against Mark, I let my body doze off into whatever dream awaits me.


I look around the bush we're hiding in as everyone falls asleep. I'm tired but they dont need to know that. I just wanted some time to think to myself. Scanning everyone I find the glasses guy sleeping with Lee in his arms and the dogs by him. I slightly smile. My smile quickly fades away once I realize that I'll have to ditch these people at some point.

I'll have to do it when Lee is asleep so that when he awakens I can lie to him and say that they told us to leave.

I continue to stare at Ethan and Lee sleeping. Lee looks so peaceful. I would leave tonight if Lee didnt need sleep so much. Luna too. Ethan begins to lightly snore. I shake my head with a small smile strewn across my normally hard features. Wiping the smile off my face, I lean back against the branches of the large bush and stare up above at the night sky poking through.

"Beautiful, isn't it." I jump and pull out my knife, pointing it at whoever is next to me. "Woah! Its just me!" The male whisper shouts. There next to me is Ethan.
"You were dead asleep two seconds ago!" I whisper yell back.
"I know. I think I've got all the sleep I can get for the night." He tells me.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"I can't sleep much because I end having some horiffying nightmares."
I nod, completely understanding what he means. "We lost one of our friends about six months ago." He says. "They was close to me and I can't stop dreaming of their death."
"Why are you telling me this?" I ask, confused.
"I dont know." He admits. "You just make me feel comfortable." I roll my eyes.
"Well you shouldn't." I say, frowning slightly to myself.
"Why not?" He cocks his head like a lost puppy. I just sigh.
"Cause I'm dangerous. At least everyone I've ever met thinks so." I look down at memories flood my brain of other groups I've been apart of over the few years this has been going on for. Ethan just chuckles.
"They dont think you're dangerous." He tries to comfort me.
"I know the girl thinks so." He just shakes his head.
"Amy is just worried for us. We trust people too easily. Last time we did we lost a friend." Leo begins to move in his sleep.

"Nnnn." He swings his arms, nearly hitting Luna. "No!" He yells pretty loudly. My eyes widen.
"Wake him up!" I command Ethan.

Ethan sends me a panicked look before turning to Leo. I, on the other hand, grip my knife tightly in my hand and push my way out of the bush. It's still really dark out. I'd say it's maybe two or three in the morning. The stars shine bright along with the moon. Tonight it's a full one.
I slowly make my way all the way around the bush. My steps are light and quiet. My eyes scan the woods around us with urgency. I don't see anything, but i know that something is there. I'm not sure if its a Cannie, regular person, or just some type of animal; I don't want to find out. Gripping my knife tighter, I carefully make my way through the trees.
Rustling comes from a small bush around four feet away. My heart is beating fast like a rabit. Taking in a deep breath, i approach the bush. Before I can talk myself out of it, I push away the leave and tackle whatever it is. Both I and the thing tumble to the ground. There underneath me is a deer. I sigh with relief. It looks terrified.

"Sorry buddy." I whisper and slit its throat.

All the life leaves its eyes and its head hit the ground. The poor things is dead. Now we'll have some meat to cook when we get to the next place on my map. The stove there should hopefully still work. Taking it by the antlers, I drag it back over to the bush that we're staying in and hide it into the one next to ours. I then go back in.

There I see Ethan sitting with Lee behind him. He's also point a gun in my direction. A serious look is on his face. It immediately disappears once he notices that it's just me.

"You scared the crap out of me!" He whisper shouts.
"I guess we can count that as payback." I say as I take a seat next to him and pulling Lee into my lap.
The small boy leans his head back against my chest, closing his eyes.
"What happened?" Ethan asks.
"Lee can sometimes tell when someone is around while he sleeps. It normally happens when he feels unsafe. So I understand it happening while we're sleeping in a bush outside." I wrap my arms around the very tired boy.
"What? That doesn't make much sense." I shrug.
"I know." I agree.
"Well what was out there then?" He seems a bit worried now.
"Just a deer. We'll have meat to eat when we get to the next place."
Ethan seems confused, but then his eyes widen.
"You killed it?!" He whisper shouts. He looks kind of sad.
"Well yeah. We haven't had meat in months. I doubt any of you have either." He opens his mouth to speak before closing it in defiet.
"You're right." He admits.

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