(6)As thick as Obsidian

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As thick as Obsidian

Aurora's POV

Trita and I were walking rather slowly towards the terrace. It was extremely cold outside and we were trying to delay the inevitable hit of ice. Although, that wasn't the only reason for our sluggish pace; we were gossiping.

"Did you and Thanatos speak about last night?" She asked me as her hands fiddled in front of her thick, beige dress. It was golden in the dim light streaming in from the high ceiling. Our coats were thick with plush fur; it barely held the winter at bay.

I nodded my head; "We did. And you?"

"We tried. Hypnos was tired and my prying was sort of... waved away. I think all of this- being here again after so long and seeing them all- is really taking a toll on him. He's barely sleeping."

"Poor man..." I narrowed my eyes and cast them down. Hypnos was sensitive to things like this- to those close to him. "Thanatos is almost the same, but I can see the happiness in his smile too. He's so different here, like he's almost more than happy to let his problems stew while he ignores them."

"That's so unlike him." Trita knew Thanatos almost as well as I did by now. Thanatos wasn't one to evade and leave a problem to grow or fester, but here, he was distracted. He was home again after so long and it was so easy for him to want to forget the very reason we came here in the first place. Of course not at the expense of his brother- who Thanatos still had some doubts as to whether or not he really wanted to be found in the first place- but more at the expense of his own sanity.

I could see it so clearly in his face sometimes- Thanatos wished he could forget all the evil these halls held and just focus on the good. But that's not how he thought and he knew it. I knew it...

"He's unsure. That hardly ever happens." I gave her a pointed look and we walked on in silence. The corridor was dark and cold. This section of the palace was almost dead during the day. It was the entrance and the foyer was a few rooms away. Clearly, Tundra didn't receive many visitors, or at least, not too often.

The rest of the palace looked livelier, but we were called for tea with Hemera and Nemesis in the gardens. It's a bit of a shame; I would have liked to have explored the palace a bit on my first day. Perhaps I could ask Hemera to be our guide? I didn't feel entirely confident exploring on my own.

"So what did you two talk about? Eris?" Trita shot me teasing smirk. She knew I didn't like the girl. It was obvious by my reaction too.

I scoffed; "In a way. Thanatos apologised again for her, but it's really not him who should be apologising."

"She's a brat."

"More than that;" I rolled my yes; "She's possessive and I don't like it. Something is off there and I don't know what yet. I want to know."

"Curious as always?" Trita lifted a dark brow in response and leaned in.

I smiled thinly; "Wouldn't you be?"

"Oh, more than curious. I'd be furious. Eris acted like we weren't even there and when she did notice us; it was like we were two disgusting rats at the dinner table. I've never felt more unwelcome."

"I think that was her plan." I smiled knowingly and waved off the idea of Eris getting under my skin so quickly- even though a small part of knew she had. "Never mind her; she's clearly under Nyx's thumb. At least Nemesis turned softer by the end of the night.

"I like her." Trita said with a giggle and a burst of laughter escaped my mouth; "Really?"

"You don't?" Trita asked as we rounded a corner and slowed our pace, noticing the doors to the gardens closing in. We weren't done discussing our in-laws just yet.

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