(8)The Black Storm

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The Black Storm

Aurora's POV

The next day, the storm had crashed onto the Tundra with sheer force.

From my perch in the large study I could gaze down onto the courtyard below. The entirety of the earth was clouded with white and the horizon's line had vanished. There was nothing separating the soil from the sky and the winds had reached frightening speeds.

I cupped the tea in my cold, gloved hands and waited for Hypnos to continue with his explanation. He stood off to the side, holding a steaming mug of milky coffee; "Not only does the Kerykeion keep peace, as I've mentioned, but it also has control over a person's consciousness. I think that may be the key to all of this. Moros was clearly fed this information by someone. I highly doubt he'd have known this and no tutoring we've ever received here delved into the Kerykeion at all."

Hemera nodded her head with a stern expression upon her lovely face; "I agree. Moros was practically never present in class and I've personally never even heard of the damned contraption."

"So there must be a link." Momus tapped his finger against his chin and leaned against the desk next to Thanatos; "Do you think Alexus ever managed to get close to the palace and had perhaps fed Moros information?"

"Doubtful." Nemesis whispered. We all looked to her for answers. She lifted her head, her eyes widening, as if she hadn't expected her voice to be heard. "I mean... I was there when Alexus first approached Nyx for help. She wasn't allowed within thirty feet of Nyx, never mind the palace. Nyx took me and a few guards along for protection, or so she claimed."

Nemesis shrugged and leaned back in the high-backed leather chair. "Nyx could've handled Alexus without blinking an eye. I think she wanted me there as a witness."

Hemera asked quickly; "To make sure we all knew it wasn't her that initiated the ill deal? Seems fair. Why haven't you mentioned this to me before?"

Nemesis ran a hand over her high ponytail and pushed back any loose hairs, her eyes cast to the ground; "I didn't see the importance. The deal was never realised and Alexus was killed. Rightfully so..." She looked up at me with stern eyes.

I nodded once, acknowledging her accolade.

Did I regret executing Alexus? No, not really and some days that bothered me more than the actual murder. I suppose it was one of those things I'd have to live with, in the deep, hinterlands of my mind- always lingering. There would be more bloodshed, that I knew. This was a world I chose to be part of and with it comes a fair amount of... savagery.

I looked over to Thanatos. He was seated by the desk, glaring at a map of the lands. He was quiet; deep in thought.

"Do you think Nyx could have told Moros of the Kerykeion's abilities?" Trita spoke up from her seat next to Hemera. She glanced around the room and watched as the faces of the children of the night fell one by one.

"It's very possible." Momus said with hidden anger. Knowing his brother was probably on a fool's errand, and potentially fuelled on by their mother, was a bitter pill to swallow. The fact that Nyx hadn't even offered to help find him yet or help us in any way was even worse.

"What about the people he's been seen with? They could be his source of information? Do you think they were searching for Peitho's body?" I asked, moving the conversation away from their detestable mother.

Nemesis nodded but said nothing. Hypnos replied with concern; "If so, how would they even know Nyx had it in her possession?"

"And Moros knows where Peitho is buried." Hemera said with sorrow, "Close to the great river Cocytus. The whaling river. It's a few days ride from here, more east."

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