(22)Nightfall (Part 1)

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Nightfall (Part 1)

Trita and I were seated by the pool in the shaded gardens.

Sonya had taken Narray to visit Persephone and Malreus for the day, while Barrios was on Earth, handling some reaper affairs.

"Do you think we should be worried?" Trita asked casually as she flipped the page of a magazine Barrios had brought her down from earth. Even though we didn't live there anymore, Trita still kept in the loop with all the daily news- and when I say 'daily news', I meant she loved tabloid trash.

I shrugged, my eyes fixed on the lesson plan I'd created for my advanced Astronomical class the next day. They only had one class scheduled with me per week and it was a rather difficult subject, specifically because it incorporated some ancestry magic. "Probably not."

We were discussing Hemera and Apollo's oddly blooming relationship. No one knew about it, except for the two of us. I knew because Hemera and Apollo confided in me. Trita knew because- Well...

It's Trita. Tabloid trash junky equals local snoop.

She knew.

Besides, it wasn't that hard to guess...

Recently, after Apollo had made his move and Hemera had sort of 'showed interest in it', they were inseparable. It was both adorable and nauseating to watch. Apollo cooing over a woman was very... weird. Don't get me wrong- I was elated for both of them. Apollo needed a stable and healthy relationship in his whirlwind life and Hemera deserved to be happy. She always did so much for others and rarely sought her own happiness.

Right now, she was definitely happy.

I spotted them approach from across the gardens. They weren't hand-in-hand- the relationship hadn't reached that stage just yet, but their shoulders were brushing against one another and their smiles were big and bright.

Some might argue that they were moving a bit fast, but I think it was just a case of two people who have always had a small weakness for one another and who've now finally found the time to explore that desire.

Trita lifted her head up at the sound of Hemera's laughter. She shot me a small smile and looked down at her magazine again, her grin still lingering; "I still think we should be worried..."

"For Apollo's sake? Hmm..." I chuckled and watched him look up to where we sat. He waved hesitantly. "Definitely." I waved back and beckoned them over.

Trimorphe purred softly; completely oblivious to our conversation. She was fast asleep on the big sofa and her paws were tucked underneath her, for comfort. I stroked her fur a bit and her purring grew louder.

Hemera walked up the stairs with a broad smile; "Afternoon, ladies!"

"Hello..." Trita giggled and leaned up to hug Hemera.

"Hi there. Where were you two?" I asked slyly and shot Apollo a look. He glared at me with a smile, his tone sheepish. "I took Hem to see the great waterfalls."

"It was beautiful!" Hemera gushed and walked over to hug me hello. I smiled up at her with a knowing look; "The whole morning? It's like ten minutes away?"

I noticed her cheeks redden immediately and Apollo quickly jumped in to save her; "Uh, and then we sort of went for a walk up the mountain towards the lookout point."

"In those shoes?' Trita looked down at Hemera's strappy sandals. Her smile was full of teasing. "Your feet must be aching."

"Uh, yes. Oops. Guess I didn't think that one through..." Hemera blushed and stuttered.

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