(17)Death's Fire

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Death's Fire

I entered the room of the wine god with a heavy lump in my throat. I didn't want to do this now, but I knew that if I didn't, I was going to regret it.

Dionysus sat in his sofa, busy chatting to Aphrodite. Her long strawberry blonde hair was tied up into a thick knot and her dress was made from soft silk. It shined with the colour of a pearl. Her big eyes caught mine as I approached the centre of the room.

"Aurora? Hello dear!" She stood up and embraced me, hugging tightly. I returned the warm welcome. "Hello, how are you?"

"All is well. I've been rather busy with the festivals lately, but luckily the last one is tomorrow."

"Yes, thank the gods..." Dionysus said with an exasperated sigh. I rather quite thought he enjoyed all the festivities, but then again, Dionysus preferred to be the centre of attention and his festival was one of the first to be held. His time for entertaining was over. "My poor skin is so dry from all of these weather changes, ugh... "

"Oh, dear! Let me bring you that remedy I found, alright?" Aphrodite said and clasped her delicate hands together. "It'll fix you right up."

"Bless you, sweet." Dionysus said and stood up. He greeted me with a warm hug and Aphrodite wished us farewell. She had matters to attend to for Apollo's festival tomorrow. It was in his name and the last one for the festival week. Thank the gods is right. I was exhausted.

"And what can I help you with, Aurora?" Dionysus asked as the door closed. He pulled up a chair for me by his dining table and I sat down, nodding with thanks.

"I wanted to discuss something private with you, if I may?"

"Of course! I'm always here to help! Are there troubles in the bedroom?" Dionysus pried, but I wasn't about to delve into my sex life with him. We both knew he only wanted to know because that meant he'd get some juice on Thanatos in bed. And wouldn't that just be fabulous for him...

"Not exactly. It's more of... Well, after the act."

He lifted his empty wine glass and signalled to a servant to fill it. The young man jogged up and quickly did his task. "Ah, I see! You're wondering if whether or not you're pregnant? Yes?"

"Yes." I sighed and shook my head. "I know it's only been about two weeks, but I heard you were able to tell if Persephone was pregnant just after two days. Is that true?"

"Oh, honey! It's been two weeks. Why the rush?"

I bit my lip and looked down. "I'm just worried that I'm not able to conceive children. Oh, dear gods... What if I'm infertile? That would crush him."

"Aurora, you are always so calm and collected. Don't let this be an issue for you? You're pale, my dear. You need a strong drink."

"And if I'm with child?" I scoffed, but smiled nonetheless. I knew he was right. I didn't need something strong to calm me the hell down. My mind was filled with unreasonable and idiotic possibilities, some of which I knew just couldn't ever be real, but that was me. I had a tendency to overthink things.

"You're not used to not being in control of a situating. It's normal."

"I know." I agreed and leaned back in the chair, inhaling a deep breath. "I know it is and I know my worries only stem from my impatience and anxiety, but... I still feel like I just need to know where I stand right now. I didn't sleep last night."

Dionysus put up his hand and signalled for me to calm down, and with his other hand he put down his drink and reached for me. I was hesitant at first, but he seemed to know what he was doing, so I placed my hand in his.

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