(24)Heavy Black Crown

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Heavy Black Crown

Eris fired the staff at the love of my life.

The love of my entire existence.

I threw Nyx off me and ignored Hypnos and Hemera's screams, but a white flash caught our eyes.

Trimorphe had pushed Aurora out of the way just in time.

I sank to the floor with a shudder and a deep cry of relief. "Aurora!"

"Aurora!" Trita, Hypnos, Hemera and Apollo all rushed to her side, but I couldn't stand. My legs refused to move. I was numb.

Just the thought of losing her...

I couldn't stand up from the ground, so I watched as my brother and Apollo quickly rushed to my wife's side and helped her up onto her feet. Trimorphe was growling at Eris now, her teeth bared and gleaming in the eerie light.

Eris growled and took a step back; "Idiots."

A deep, black fire shot through me. My legs moved on their own accord and I found myself racing towards Eris, my glared dark and full of hatred. "Are you insane?"

It wasn't a question I wanted an answer to- I knew the damn answer.

Eris moved away from me; fear sprang up in her eyes as she noticed my fury. I kept stepping towards her, eager to get my hands on the staff, but Eris refused to let me get any closer to her. "Come here!" I screamed at her and tried to catch her, but she was too quick.

"Teleiose!" She shouted at me and snarled with anger. "You know it is!"

"Na ksereis ti thesi sou!"

"It's beside you! It's always been beside you!" She looked equally livid and damaged now, but it caused no pause in my raging fury.

"No! No! You and I are brother and sister! We are nothing more and we will never ever be anything more!" My wrath was soaring; "Get it into your head!"

Eris deep frown cracked with disgust and pain; "Take that back!"

"Make me!" I shouted at her and tried to snatch the staff from her hands.

She dodged me, using her small stature to her advantage, but I was just as agile. I grabbed her hair and yanked. Eris flew back against my chest and I tried to pry the glowing staff from her hand. "Let go! Now!"

"It's mine!" She snarled and struggled against me.

Behind us, Aurora snarled, having fully recovered from her fall and the shock. She walked towards us with determination in her eye, but Apollo and Hypnos refused to let her get any closer than she already was. Hypnos placed his hands up to ward her off, but she smacked them away with anger; "Step aside!"

"No." Hypnos kept his rigid stance and Apollo tried to lead Aurora away, towards a safer area. She growled at him when he tried to touch her. "Rora, it's not safe."

"I don't care!" She screamed at them and looked over Hypnos shoulder; "That bitch has done enough damage-"

"The baby, Aurora!" Hypnos shouted with cold eyes and stepped in front of her too keep her in place.

His words caused Eris and me to freeze.

Even Nyx and Moros looked up from our spectacle of a fight and turned their heads to stare at Aurora.

My heart froze with fear... and so much joy.

"W-what?" The words fell from my mouth. My eyes widened and I sucked in a deep breath- the fire inside of me evaporated into dust.

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