(11)Ebony without Ivory

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Ebony without Ivory

"I hate that I'm leaving you." Thanatos smiled down at me. His eyes were alight with warmth, but his hands were cold against my cheeks. "I'm sorry, but I'll sleep better knowing you're home safe and warm. For me?"

He pouted his lips and lifted his eyebrows up to win sympathy. I rolled my eyes and sighed, but my smile remained. I chuckled; "Yeah, yeah... I'm going, aren't I?"

"I'll miss you so much, you know I will." He said with a kiss to my lips and then another, the second more forceful. I hummed with delight at the taste of his minty tongue begging for entrance.

A throat cleared behind us. Hemera's voice was filled with sarcasm; "As much as I love watching my brother tongue-wrestle my new best friend, I think we ought to get a move on."

I awkwardly cleared my throat as Thanatos held me close and pressed me against his chest, not budging in his intimacy. "Sorry, I'm on my way. Just a second..."

Hemera shot Thanatos a scolding look and pinched his arm; "Be safe out there. Love you."

"Love you too, Hem." He winked at her and pulled my face up for another deep kiss. She pulled a nauseated face and left to go greet the rest of her family.

Our portal was all ready to take us back to Thanatos' palace. Nyx hadn't given us permission to use our magic, but ever since the intervention, she and Thanatos had been avoiding each other like the plague. He did what he wanted and she did what she wanted. They didn't dare step foot in the same room as the other.

I preferred it that way, obviously, but it wasn't too pleasant to watch. They were still family. I couldn't help but feel for Thanatos. If only his mother wasn't such a horrible bitch.

"She's right. Be safe, please." I looked into his eyes and pressed his chest with my long finger, "Don't do anything reckless."

Thanatos chuckled and nodded; "Same goes for you. And don't let Apollo shove you around too much! I want you to rest and-"

"Even if I were pregnant by now," I said loudly and spoke over his little rant; "There is no way a little physical activity could possibly be bad for me. Calm down, Doctor Death."

Thanatos' eye twitched and I laughed at the annoyed look on his face. "Well, whatever. Just know that when I get back," He leaned in and whispered to my face, his hot breath filling my senses, "You'll be doing more than just a little bit of physical activity."

"Oh, really?" My grin widened and Thanatos' eyes drifted down to my lips. "Doctor's orders."

My giggle was interrupted by Momus' loud voice, "Well, I suppose this is farewell for now, dear Aurora!" He walked up to us, his smile broad. "I cannot wait to see your lovely smile again."

"Same to you, Momus." I winked at him and he kissed the back of my hand, "Once this is all over, you should come over for some whiskey. We have the best selection here in the East."

Momus' eyes lit up, "Well now, how could I refuse?" He shot his brother a smirk and Thanatos shook his head with a smile. "Oh, go flirt with Hypnos' wife..."

"If you insist." Momus said with amusement and turned with grace to find Trita and Hypnos in the crowd.

I laughed as he vanished in the bundle; "I really like him. He's so much like you, except more mannered."

"Pardon me?" Thanatos put his hands on his hips and eyed me with one lifted brow.

"Aurora..." Nemesis walked up to us. Her walk reminded me of a warrior's stride- it was fast, purposeful and a bit masculine. "I wanted to greet you."

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