(26)Every Shadow has its Light

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Prepare to be shook...

Every Shadow has its Light

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Every Shadow has its Light

"What about Manara?" I popped a grape into my mouth and leaned into Aurora's shoulder, pressing my own against hers.

She grumbled and flipped the page of the thick book; "No. That sounds like Marinara sauce."

My hand automatically dropped onto her big belly and I smiled dotingly; "You're right. It should be a strong name. She'll be strong."

Aurora looked up at me with an amused expression, her lips curved at the ends. "Is this making you a little emotional, darling? I thought I was the one who had to cry every five hours?"

I shot her a look and wrapped my arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer. The big book of baby names slid off her lap. I was still in the opinion that we didn't need the help- we'd find our daughter's name ourselves. "Is it wrong for me to be excited?"

"Not at all, but you do look a little bit like a wreck lately. Nervous?"

I chuckled, but couldn't deny her words. I was a wreck. My daughter was going to be born in less than three months and I still didn't have a name for her. Perhaps it was one of those things that would come when they were meant to, but in all honesty, I didn't believe in that shit. I was a planner. And my daughter was my main priority. Of course, Aurora's safety and happiness too...

"I'm fine. Are you fine?"

"For the hundredth time.... I'm wonderful. Stop thinking the worst and relax, Thane."

I sighed and rolled my eyes, but I could see her point. I suppose after six months of me trying to coddle her was slowly becoming rather annoying. Well, I didn't care. She was my wife, my life and the mother of my unborn child. I was allowed to panic every now and then- silently.

"What about Callidora?"

"Calli-what now?"

"It means 'the gift of beauty', and she'll no doubt be a vision. You are her mother, of course."

Aurora smiled and patted my cheek; "I'll think about it."


"Sounds like the name of a fort. No."


"That must be some Greek disease?"




"Where are you getting these from?"


"Um... I'll never be able to pronounce that."


Aurora burst out laughing; "Now you're just pulling my leg!"

"Okay, okay, I'll stop." I laughed along with her as she grabbed the book back from me and replaced it on her lap. Aurora flipped back to the page she was on and smiled absentmindedly. "It must be a Greek name. And it must suit her. I wonder what she'll reign over?"

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