(12)Rocking the Chessboard

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Rocking the Chessboard

Hypnos' POV

We were all gathered in the library on the top floor. The fire in the hearth was burning with warmth and comfort, but I felt none. Trita was back at the palace in the north west and I was still here; the one place I never thought I'd return too- again.

"Let's discuss the plan again, shall we?" Thanatos asked, but waited for no reply. He wanted to be sure that each of us knew what to do while he was away on the scouting mission. At first, I wanted to join him, of course. I hated parting from Thanatos and especially at a time like this, but of course I could see the reason in him asking me to stay behind.

Momus and I could easily race through the many tomes, books and scrolls the palace had on the Kerykeion, Hermes' weapons and other useful topics we could find. Perhaps, and it was a long shot, but perhaps we could find something of use.

One could only hope.

"We get it." Dolos said from the back, his elbows on the table and his head hanging. He was bored. "The four of us leave tomorrow to the neighboring region to find Moros or information on him," He pointed to himself, Thanatos, Nemesis and Apate. "Momus and Hypnos are going to hibernate in the library and that leaves... Ah, Erie, little sis." He smirked at Eris who was sitting on the table beside him.

She slapped his arm and he chuckled lamely. "Dolos makes a fair point." Eris fixed her eyes on Thanatos and Dolos quickly interrupted; "Uh, I didn't make any point-"

"The point is... I can't just sit around here and do nothing. Let me join the hunt."

"It's not a hunt, Eris." Thanatos said with a scowl and crossed his arms over his broad chest.

Dolos scoffed; "Wait, what? Then why am I going?"

I sensed Thanatos' patience was running thin. He lifted his eyes to the ceiling as if silently praying for strength. "You're going because our brother is out there somewhere and may need our help. You're the best tracker we have. And Eris is staying, because I need someone to keep an eye on Nyx."

"Again with this motherly deception..." Dolos muttered and sighed, but didn't say anything more. He wasn't too bothered either way."

"You want me to spy on mother?" Eris asked with a small glimmer of surprise. Momus flipped a page in the book he was scanning and mumbled; "Shouldn't be too difficult for you."

"Oh, shut up." Eris flicked her tongue at her older brother, but Momus just smiled and winked. His charm was infectious.

"Eris is a pathetic spy compared to me." Dolos smirked and leaned back, crossing his arms with smugness.

Nemesis rolled her eyes in reply; "Does he have an 'off-switch'?"

Dolos narrowed his eyes at her; "Five letters. One word. L. O. S. E. R."

But Nemesis wasn't about to let her little brother sit there and insult her. She sneered at him; "Oh yeah? Well you're a C. O. C. K."

Thanatos' eyes widened with shock and he shot Nemesis a furious look. She caught his disapproving glare and quickly added; "...Y. A cocky idiot. Ahem."

Thanatos rolled his eyes and turned back to the board behind him. A map of the lands was drawn onto it with chalk and a few points were marked. He pointed to the first one- the mark closest to the border between Nyx's land and the adjoining domain. "We start here. It's a far trek, but we'll use portals when it's necessary. I want the whole area searched. There will be some small settlements around the place; we need to find out if anyone saw Moros in the last few weeks."

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