22 year old Ayana "Charm" Davis is taken under the wings of her aunt and uncle, Keyshia and Radric "Gucci" Davis - aka The Wopsters, when her parents were shot and killed in 98' over a drug deal.
Ayana's uncle tries to give her the life she deserve...
"How was your night out?" I looked over Yanna and she looked nothing like how she looked when she left the house. Her hair looked like it was sweated out, one of her eyelashes was gone and I just shook my head and helped her to the room. "How did you even drive home?"
"I'm fine, I just know this is going to get me in the morning."
"Yeah, it is. Let's get you comfortable." I went to the bathroom and looked for her makeup wipes handing them to her she started taking off the makeup and pulling off the rest of the lashes she had on. I just shook my head and watched her. She took off all her clothes and climbed in bed and I honestly didn't wanna give it to her while she was in this condition so i'll just wait another time.
I watched her as she immediately fell asleep and I sighed going to check on Kairi she was out for the count too. I straightened her back up in the bed because she was hanging half way off. After getting myself ready to get in the bed for the night I laid their thinking about what will be my next step. So far I think I was doing a pretty good job, I separated work from the people close to me to make sure nothing happened to them and I relocated to Miami basically starting a new life.
The next morning I got a text saying I needed to meet with a guy name Dinero over lunch, he wanted to do business. Clipping my gold cuff links I looked myself over in the mirror. I heard a few groans and I knew Ayanna was waking up.
"Yeah baby?"
"Where are you going?" She sat up and rubbed her eyes and I turned around facing her coming to kiss her on the forehead goodbye.
"I have a meeting, I know it's last minute."
"With who?"
"Some guy named Dinero." I shrugged and kissed her on the forehead.
"What time is it?"
"It's only 11, Kairi is up, she's eating waffles and watching cartoons."
She nodded getting out of bed heading towards the bathroom. "I'll be back shortly." I yelled towards the bathroom and she yelled back okay and I left.
Dinero, I thought to myself. This was my official first meeting with someone who wants to do business and I've never seen this guy, never talked to him. I decided to call Mr.Davis to see if he'd ever heard of this guy before because if we was being honest. I was nervous.
"Hey, Mr.Davis. Good morning."
"Dave, nice to hear from you. What can I help you with."
"About 8 o'clock this morning. I got a call from someone named Dinero-"
"Dinero? Take it, do whatever he says and he's got big offers son."
"You know him?"
"I've done some business with him before."
"Before? What happened?"
"You don't bite the hand that feeds you, whatever you do don't mention that you're under me."
"Ok, but what if he already knows?"
"David, it's okay. Don't even think about it, when I offered you this position what was my biggest focus."
"Be bigger then the boss, sir."
"Exactly, don't let him out smart you. Outsmart him."
When I pulled up to the restaurant I saw several black Escalades and I knew it was him.
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I decided to beat him inside because remember I didn't want to look out of place and I didn't even know what he looked like but of course he knows what I look like. He probably ran a background check on me before meeting with me.
About 5 minutes after sitting down he came trolling in with 2 men behind him so this was him, Dinero.