Chapter Two

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The Kennedys Bedroom, the Residence

Sunday 24th November 1963




Jack’s eyes flickered open, the pain of his shoulder came searing back as did the pain in his throat. He saw Jackie kneeling over him. He pulled her down on top of him and kissed her fiercely never wanting to let go.

When Jackie pulled away she took his hand. “Bunny what’s wrong? You were mumbling my name in your sleep.”

Jack took a deep breath realising he was soaked in sweat. “I…I had a bad dream.”

“What happened?”

“I…I lost you, you were taken from me.” Jack said beginning to cry. “They killed you.”

Jackie wrapped him in her arms. “I’m never going to leave you bunny, I’m not going anywhere I promise.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too bunny.” Jackie whispered.

She held him till he’d composed himself; he hadn’t slept properly since before Dallas. He wasn’t eating either and he’d started closing himself off from his family. Jackie worried about him.

“I’m going to get some milk.” Jack said as he got up.

“Do you want me to come?”

Jack shook his head as he walked out of the room. When he walked into the kitchen he opened the fridge door and pulled the milk out. He was pouring it into a glass when he heard footsteps. He turned to find John.

“Is it morning Daddy?” John yawned.

“No son, it’s still night time.” Jack said as he took John’s hand.

“Why are you up?”

“I couldn’t sleep.”

“Oh okay.”

“Come on I’ll take you back to bed.”

John nodded.

Jack tucked him in before going back to the sitting room. He was sitting on the sofa drinking his milk when he put the TV on. The rolling news was still the assassination attempt so he switched it off and headed to back to bed.

Jackie was sitting up.

“I thought you were asleep.” Jack said as he got back in beside her.

“I worry about you.”

“I’ll be fine.” Jack mumbled.

“I want you to see the doctor.”

“I’m fine.” Jack argued.

“Bunny you’re not, you’re seeing a doctor today after your press conference.”

Jack suddenly tensed up, he’d forgotten about the press conference. He hadn’t left the residence since it had happened. He felt sick and his breathing got heavier.

“Jack don’t panic it’ll be okay, I’ll be there with you.”

He nodded.

Jackie wrapped her arms round him and snuggled back in. Jackie fell asleep quite quickly but Jack drifted in and out all night.

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