Chapter Fourteen

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Kennedy’s Home

Squaw Island

Once they arrived outside their home Jackie asked the secret service to take Caroline and John to the main house. Jack looked a little confused but followed his wife into the house.

“Why did you send the kids to my parents? Are we going to have sex?” Jack asked excitedly.

Jackie looked at him. “Gees calm yourself, we’re not having sex.”

“Then what’s happening?”

“You are going to go into the living room and talk.”

“To who?” Jack asked.

“You’ll see.” Jackie replied as she pushed him into the living room.

Jack looked around the room to see Dr Travell sitting with another lady. “Morning Mr President.”

“Morning, what’s going on?”

“Mrs Kennedy would like you to talk to physiatrist Janis Jones.” Janet said.

“I’m fine really.” Jack replied.

Janet looked at him. “I’ll leave you two to talk.”

Once it was just Jack and the physiatrist he shook her hand. “Mr President this will be highly confidential, I’m here to help you through this rough time.”

“I’m fine really.” Jack protested.

“Why don’t we give it a try?”

“Ok fine.” Jack said. “What do you want me to do first?”

“I’d like you to lie down on the sofa and relax, take your shoes off just pretend I’m not here.”

Jack kicked his shoes off and got comfy on the sofa.

“Now close your eyes.”

Jack did so and rested his hands on his stomach.

“Now tell me how does it feel when you try to sleep?” Janis asked.

“I’ll fall asleep fine but I’ll start dreaming and I’ll be in the motorcade and the shots will ring out but they either kill me or Jackie and it’s awful I start sweating and panicking in case I lose her, I can’t lose Jackie.”

“When you wake up how do you feel?”

“I feel relieved I’m alive and Jackie’s alive but I do feel sick in the pit of my stomach. Then when Jackie starts talking to me I just want to wrap her in my arms and never let her go, then she’ll kiss me to calm me down but I feel like I want to jump her to show her how much I love her. I just hate it, I want to sleep properly but I can’t I’m scared I’m going to relive it every time.”

“Does Mrs Kennedy know you feel this way?”

“No, I don’t think so.”

“Well you should tell her it will help, I want you to know what happened in Dallas is very unlikely to happen again, you need to regain your trust in people, don’t shy away from things talk about them. You’re doing well to gain trust in people; I mean you’re telling me all this very personal information in confidence.”

Jack hesitated. “I suppose you’re right.”

“Before you go to bed a good way to prevent these nightmares is to distract yourself by distracting your mind by focusing it, either by reading, watching a film or TV or even trying to teach yourself a new skill.”

“Ok, what about sleeping pills?”

“I will also give you some stronger ones just to help you along.” Janis replied.


“Is there anything else Mr President?”

“I don’t think so.”

“If you need any more help sir, I’d be happy to help.” Janis said.

Jack opened his eyes and sat up. “Thank you.”

Janis nodded before she and Dr Travell left.

Jack was sitting when Jackie walked in; she quietly sat down beside him. “I’m sorry bunny but I was worried about you.”

“I know Jackie, I’m glad you did I feel a bit better now.”

“I’m glad.”

Jack turned to his wife and kissed her. “I suppose we better go over and join the family.”

“Yeah but you are not playing any football.”

“Aw ok.” Jack teased.

“Come on you.” Jackie said taking his hand.

Jack followed her out to the car and got in the passenger side. “Oh no the dangerous driver.” Jack teased.

“Oh shut up you! I’m a good driver.”

Jack rolled his eyes. Jackie ruffled his hair.

“Two hands on the wheel!” Jack exclaimed.

“Calm down Mr President.”

Jack grinned as they headed to his parents.

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