Chapter Seventeen

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Kennedy’s House

Squaw Island

 29th November 1963

When Jackie woke she noticed Jack wasn’t beside her. She rubbed her eyes and got up, pulling on Jack’s shirt before going downstairs.

She found her husband standing over the cooker. “Morning bunny.”

Jack looked round startled. “Good morning, did you sleep well?”

“Very you?”

“Good thanks.” Jack grinned.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m making us some blueberry pancakes.”

“Sounds nice.”

Jack grinned as he served them. He’d finally found something that relaxed him.

As Jackie tucked in she smiled. “Their amazing bunny.”

“Thank you.”

“I’m going to go into Hyannis this morning with the kids; I thought I’d pick you up some new shirts. Do you want to come?”

“Eh shopping no thanks, I have a new recipe I want to try out.”

“Ok didn’t think you would want to come.” Jackie giggled.

Jack kissed her cheek.

After breakfast they went and dressed. Jack was in the kitchen preparing the meat for his lasagne when Jackie appeared.

“Can you do me a favour please bunny?”

“Sure what?” Jack replied looking up from the cook book.

“Could you put the washing out?”


Jackie kissed him before leaving.

Once he’d put his lasagne in the oven he headed through to the washing room, as he took the clothes out of the washing machine he smiled to himself. He remembered the time he and Jackie went for a little ride on top of the machine.

He then headed outside to the washing line. He was hanging a towel up when he heard someone yell Mr President.

He turned round to find a reporter sitting on top of the hedge.

“How are you feeling sir? When will you be returning to Washington?”

Jack was a taken back. The guy kept flashing his camera, Jack was freaking out. “Can you not just leave me alone?”

Secret service agents had now appeared and were getting rid of the reporter. He continued putting the washing out when Pierre walked round the corner of the house. “Good morning sir.”

“Oh thank God it’s you Pierre.” Jack said.

“Is everything alright?”

“Some reporter snuck in.”

“Are you okay?” Pierre asked.

Yeah I’m fine, what can I do for you?”

“Kenny sent me; can we go somewhere more private to talk?”

“Sure give me a minute.”

Once Jack had finished he led Pierre into the kitchen. It was just coming up to lunch time.

“What’s up Pierre?” Jack asked sitting down.

“We were wondering when you’d be coming back to work? We also need you to do a press conference very soon.”

Jack hesitated. “I’m not sure when I’ll be back, but why a press conference?”

“To talk about your health and deal with some of the things Johnson’s told the press.”

“What’s Lyndon told the press?”

“He told them you weren’t coping mentally and that you and Jackie did have sex on Air Force One the day before Dallas.” Pierre replied.

Jack sighed. “Well it will be the last time if the press are going to find out.”

“You mean it’s true?”

Jack glared at him “Yeah it’s true.”

“Sorry sir.”

Jack shook his head. “It’s okay, when do you want the press conference?”

“Tomorrow would be good?”

“Where though?”

“Front garden?” Pierre suggested.

“Ok, that’ll do.”

“Thank you sir.”

Jack nodded. “Do you want to stay for some lunch?”


Jack took the lasagne out of the oven and served it up. He then sat down opposite Pierre. “That’s very nice sir, who made it?”

“I did.”

Pierre looked shocked. “Really?”

“Yes.” Jack grinned.

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