Chapter Six

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Jack was sitting opposite Janet Travell in the comfy chairs in his and Jackie’s bedroom. He felt slightly on edge having to talk about himself.

“Mr President, whatever you tell me will never leave this room, I promise you that.” Janet said.

“I…I really don’t know why Jackie set this up, I’m fine.”

“Are you sure on that?”

“Yes I’m fine.”

“No offence sir but you don’t look fine, you look tired, strained, ill.”

Hearing that made Jack break down in tears. “I’m not alright.” Jack sobbed. “I….I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, I just keep seeing the images of Dallas in my head it’s hell.”

“What happens when you try to sleep?”

“I keep having these horrific dreams when people I love are taking from me.”

“You mean family?”

“Yes, especially Jackie.”

“She mentioned to me that you woke up sweating badly, what happened that night?” Janet asked.

“Instead of me being shot, she was hit in the head and she fell into my lap then she died in the hospital, I wasn’t coping and I tried to commit suicide but was stopped and Bobby was camped outside the door. I visited her grave and ended up crying and hugging Clint Hill, I hated it.”

“Was that the worst dream you’ve had?”

Jack nodded as he dried his eyes.

“Why haven’t you been eating?”

“I don’t know, food just makes me feel sick I guess and I just can’t swallow anything without feeling nauseous.”

Janet nodded. “I think it’s just going to take time for you to return to eating but to help you sleep I’m going to give you some tablets.”


“Is there anything else you want to discuss?”

Jack shook his head. “Thank you.”

Janet nodded before leaving.

Jack was still sitting in his and Jackie’s room when Jackie came in. She had a smile on her face. “How are you feeling?”

“A bit better.” Jack replied.

“You know you can always talk to me bunny.”

“I know.”

Jackie grinned as she sat down in his lap.

“What are you doing?”

Jackie giggled before kissing his face. Jack pulled back slightly. “You okay?” Jackie asked quietly.

“Yeah I’m sorry I’m just not in the mood.”

“It’s okay bunny I know you’re in pain, would you like to some hot milk?”

“Yes please.”

Jackie smiled before disappearing downstairs.

When she returned Jack was sitting in bed reading. “Here you go bunny.” Jackie whispered handing him his milk.

“Thanks Kid.”

Jackie changed into her pyjamas and got in beside him.

“Jackie, I never asked you if you were okay.”

“I’m holding up fine.”

“I’m glad I’ve got you Jackie.” Jack said wrapping her in his arms.

“I’m glad I’ve got you too.”

They turned and smiled at each other before sharing a tender kiss.

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